Meet Kristin Rindt, graduate student, from Sheboygan Lutheran, majoring in Master of Science in Elementary Education.
Why should someone from Sheboygan Lutheran consider CUW?
Anyone from Sheboygan Area Lutheran High School should consider attending CUWAA because it is a great place to continue a Lutheran, Christ-Centered Education. Once I started at CUW and became comfortable with the campus, it felt a lot like Lutheran High. The teacher to student ratio is similar and all the staff are very welcoming and inviting. It can be hard to find other Lutheran or even Christian schools, but CUW was the right choice after attending Lutheran High.
How did Sheboygan Lutheran prepare you for life after high school?
They prepared me for life after high school by instilling our Lutheran/Christian faith and values. All students at Lutheran High are required to take a Christian Leadership class and a Christian apologetics class that help strengthen your faith. In the Christian Leadership class, people from the community come in and share what they do and how they are able to share God’s love and to be a Christian leader. It was inspiring to hear from a variety of people on how they can be Christian leaders in such a sinful world. The teachers at Lutheran High encourage students to “faith the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12) and to be witnesses of God’s Gospel.
What has been the impact of a Lutheran education in your life?
My parents made the decision for all their children to attend Lutheran schools through high school. Both my sister and I chose to continue this Lutheran Education by attending CUW. I have made many long-lasting Lutheran friendships through my education and have stayed grounded in my faith and in my home church, Trinity Lutheran Church Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
Have any teachers or professors impacted your life while at CUW and Sheboygan Lutheran?
There have been many teachers and professors that have impacted me, especially at Lutheran High and CUW. My Freshmen English teacher, Jenna Roeske, made a great impression on me to be a good student and a caring community member. She was not only my English teacher, but she was also my Dance Team coach. Dr. Roeske would always direct us back to God’s Word and our Christian values. One professor from CUW that made an impact on me was Dr. Lane. I took many of his classes including, Christian Faith, German 1, German 2, and Lutheran Confessions. He was welcoming and personable both in and out of class. If I passed him in the hall, he would smile and ask how I was doing. We also attended the same church while I was at CUW, Luther Memorial Chapel in Shorewood, Wisconsin. You could always tell that he genuinely cared about his students and wanted them to learn as much as they could.
What is the most underrated element of CUW?
The most underrated element of CUWAA would be the professors. All of the professors are talented and very knowledgeable in their respective fields. They are all willing to help you with whatever you need. If you are struggling in classes, they are there to help you understand the material better. If you are stressed about your classes or life in general, they are there to listen to you and give you counsel.
What is your favorite spot on campus?
My favorite spot on campus was the Rinker Memorial Library. The Library was where I met most of my friends, where I studied, and where I worked. I loved working in the Library and spent most of my time there, even if I didn’t have homework. The Library staff is so knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful.
What drew you to Concordia?
What drew me to Concordia was the fact that it was a Lutheran University. My uncle, David Rindt, and sister, Liz Ekblad (Rindt) attended Concordia and it felt like the perfect continuation of my previous Lutheran schooling. It also helped that it was only a 45-minute drive away from my house.
What has been your favorite class here at CUW and why?
My favorite class at CUW was Lutheran Confessions. I have been a Lutheran my whole life and have been taught Luther’s Small Catechism since I could talk. But in the Lutheran Confessions class, I was able to read the Book of Concord with Pastor and learn more about the Lutheran faith and our practices. The class has prepared me for a life of service in the church.
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Concordia Accelerated Programs for Teacher Licensure (CAPTL) equips students for initial teacher licensure in Elementary, Special Education, Secondary Education, or dual licensure in Early Childhood and Elementary Education through the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Emphasizing servant leadership and diversity, the program fosters reflective practitioners skilled in differentiated instruction. Offering add-on licensures in ESL, Bilingual, Special Education, and Gifted & Talented, CAPTL endorses candidates for grades 4K-9th. This accelerated program allows candidates to earn initial licensure while pursuing a Master of Science in Education – Teaching & Learning, preparing them for success in diverse educational environments.