Meet Mason Jacobs (’25) from Martin Luther, majoring in Social Work.

Why should someone from Martin Luther consider CUW?

They should consider CUW because not only is it a fantastic place to continue their Christ-centered schooling, but also to get exposed to various things unique to CUW, such as our close-knit campus community, caring and passionate teachers, and some of the cutest comfort dogs around!

How did Martin Luther prepare you for life after high school?

Martin Luther helped to teach me not only what it meant to live a Christ-centered life, but also how to live my life as a good citizen. At Martin Luther, they taught me time-management skills, paper formatting, and helped us work on developing social skills.

What has been the impact of a Lutheran education in your life?

I have gone to Lutheran schools my entire life, starting from Mt. Olive Lutheran in Milwaukee and going all the way to Concordia. Having an education that reflected my beliefs helped to expand my understanding and appreciation for the world in a variety of ways. Especially when it comes to the science courses I have taken throughout my time in school.

Have any teachers or professors impacted your life while at CUW and Martin Luther?

Some of the teachers I have had a huge impact on me. Mrs. Rohleder, my yoga teacher in high school taught me so much about mental health and self-care, which has influenced positive advancements in my life towards managing my mental health, and also in the career path I am interested in. Another teacher that comes to mind is Mr. Zimmer, one of my religion teachers. During his first year at my high school, Mr. Zimmer noticed I was struggling and began to check in on me and share stories from his own life and the bible with me. Mr. Zimmer inspired me to go to God like I had never had before, and it helped to change my outlook on many things in life. A professor who has had a massive impact on my life is Professor Ostrowski. Not only have I had her in class, she also is my social work faculty advisor. Professor Ostrowski was my first introduction to the social work field my freshman year of college. This was a time of lots of uncertainty, and Professor Ostrowski showed and continues to show immense amounts of patience, kindness, and a willingness to help her students in any way possible. She

What is the most underrated element of CUW?

I think the energy and vibe of Concordia is critically underrated. Something I always say while giving tours as a Student Ambassador on campus, is Concordia has a small-tight knit community, but a large campus feel due to our large student sports following and the various events we have frequently on campus. I love this element of Concordia and I feel like it is something most people do not realize until they get here.

What is your favorite spot on campus?

My favorite spot on the CUW campus is the chapel courtyard. We have a lot of great events held there in the beginning of the school year that I love, such as the Co-Curricular Fair and Stomp the Courtyard. I also love that our trees are perfectly spaced for hammocking! One of my favorite things to do on campus is to sit around in a hammock and read a book on a warm day.

What drew you to Concordia?

Concordia was the second college tour I ever went on. I was immediately drawn in by the gorgeous views and the way it somehow just felt like home from the moment I stepped on campus. When I walked in the chapel, I felt a feeling of belongingness and that God had led me to be at this school.

What has been your favorite class here at CUW and why?

My favorite class at CUW was darkroom photography. Photography is one of my favorite hobbies. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about where photography came from and the creative process behind the darkroom. This class helped me enhance my skills within digital photography and offered me another way to creatively express myself in my favorite hobby.

Want in?

Upon graduation, you’ll be equipped for generalist professional practice with a year of practical experience, focusing on the Council on Social Work Education’s nine competencies. Our distinctive educational philosophy emphasizes Christian service, quality research, and hands-on learning, fostering your growth as a competent professional. You’ll learn comprehensive methods to support individuals, families, groups, and communities in need.