The age-old phrase, “It takes a village,” does not only apply to parenting; it also applies to supporting graduate students for academic success.
Starting the Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW) Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program is an exciting time, but can also feel a bit daunting for incoming students. At the end of the program, students will not only have completed three years of coursework, they will also have received IRB approval, conducted a research study, written a dissertation, and submitted a peer-review journal. This is a big commitment, and it is important to know that the CUW team is here to support its students to ensure success every step of the way. Here is a list of some of the many people who are looking forward to supporting the DBA students and their milestones.
Research Advisor:
A research advisor is assigned to every DBA student and will take an active role in ensuring the dissertation research and processes are completed with high standards and success.
Research Committee:
Each DBA student will have a research committee, composed of a research advisor and various committee members to help students succeed with their dissertations. Each committee member will serve a different role, catered to individual student interests and needs.
Faculty Instructors:
The DBA Faculty and Instructors are hand-selected to teach in the DBA program and to serve a variety of needs, including the three concentrations, quantitative research, and qualitative research. All DBA faculty and instructors are servant leaders and strive at teaching relevant, applicable theories and applications, designed to help students succeed.
DBA Program Director:
The DBA Program Director provides leadership to the program as well as insight to the program, the business school, and industry overall.
DBA Coordinator:
The DBA Coordinator at CUW is a helpful resource who can answer questions about timelines, processes, forms, contacts, Admissions, graduation, as well as many other topics.
CUW Librarians:
The librarians at the Rincker Memorial Library at CUW provide helpful assistance in using the library databases as well as answering questions specific to your needs.
CUW Online Writing Lab:
The CUW Online Writing Lab (OWL) provides assistance to graduate students as well as helpful feedback on writing assignments.
While this list is not exhaustive, the most important ingredient for success is knowing that there is a system and structure of amazing faculty and staff who are in place to ensure the success of every student admitted into the DBA program. The CUW DBA community is here to support all students and help them to achieve their goals.
Learn more about the Concordia University DBA Program here: https://www.cuw.edu/academics/programs/business-administration-doctorate/index.html#admissions
— Dr. Jennifer Knowles, serves as assistant professor of business in the DBA program at Concordia University Wisconsin-Ann Arbor.
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