For any doctoral student, earning the All-But-Dissertation (ABD) status means the opportunity to work on the dissertation and to earn a doctorate. For many of these students, life happens and for one reason or another, the dissertation was not completed. At Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW), we understand life’s challenges. Real life can mirror the business world in that there are often complex challenges. But with planning, support, and effective strategies, these challenges can be overcome.
Have you started your doctorate but life got in the way? Have you completed course work, but didn’t finish your dissertation? Our new DBA ABD Program provides an opportunity for students who have completed all requirements for a doctorate at another institution, with the exception of their doctoral dissertation. CUW welcomes all applicants who have achieved this status in their graduate education. We will help you achieve your goal and provide the scaffolding to succeed. Now is the perfect time to finish earning your doctorate and we are here to help.
There is little doubt as to the benefits of a doctorate in business. Our DBA Program prepares students for executive roles in organizations, teaching, consulting, and more. The CUW DBA Program offers distinctive concentrations in Organizational Performance & Change (OPC – HRD/HRM/OD/Change Management), Healthcare Administration, Finance & Economics, as well as the ability to work with students based on interests and prior doctoral work.
Every student in the DBA ABD Program is assigned a faculty advisor, academic advisor, student engagement specialist, and a research committee to help you with your dissertation. To ensure your success there will also be a brief residency requirement, giving you the opportunity to work on your research topic, methods, and other components of your dissertation.
Our DBA ABD Program will challenge you to understand and identify business trends, develop innovative and sustainable solutions, utilize research to understand the evolving global business landscape, and be able to anticipate organizational and consumer trends. We are a student-centered university and believe in living values of excellence and compassion to help you achieve your dreams.
Through this unique program, CUW is preparing leaders to address these challenges holistically by combining quantitative and qualitative business concepts. The outcome? Actual change that translates to long-term growth and profitability.
For more information about the DBA ABD Program, please visit https://www.cuw.edu/academics/programs/business-administration-doctorate/index.html#abdoption to learn more.
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