Concordia University Wisconsin is celebrating the efforts of some of its expert faculty members during Faculty Scholarship Week, Oct. 22-26.
This year, a total of 20 faculty members will showcase their work throughout the week. Faculty Scholarship Week kicked off on Monday with poster presentations set up throughout the day in the Terrace Room. Faculty members were present from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to answer questions about their effort.
Tomorrow through Friday, each researcher or research team will then deliver a seminar presentation, giving an in-depth look at the projects underway.
Here’s a quick look at the research efforts being taken on by faculty on the CUW campus.
1. Authors: Dr. Tzvia Springer, assistant professor of pharmaceutical science; Dr. Jimmy Feix, Samantha Kohn, Medical College of Wisconsin
Title: Utilizing Nanodisc and Liposome Bilayers as a Membrane Model System to Investigate Structural Properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ExoU Toxin by EPR Spectroscopy
Abstract Summary: Pseudomonas aerginosa is a multidrug resistant pathogen that infects cystic fibrosis and wound patients. During an infection, it secretes ExoU phospholipase toxin that destroys the membranes of host cells. Drs. Springer and Feix are interested in using nanodisc technology as a membrane model to look for structural changes in ExoU leading to drug therapeutics.
2. Authors: Dr. Christopher W. Cunningham, associate professor of pharmaceutical science; Caleb D. Vogt, Beatriz Rodrigues, Terrence S. Neumann, Huan Huang, Friedhelm Schroeder,
Cecilia J. Hillard
Title: Inhibitors of Sterol Carrier Protein-2: Discovery of Novel Inhibitors
using Virtual Screening
Abstract Summary:
With the help of computer modeling, the researchers discovered new compounds that inhibit sterol carrier protein-2 (SCP-2), a binding protein for endocannabinoids. With these tools, we aim to determine the role of SCP-2 in diseases of chronic pain, stress, and anxiety.
3. Authors: Dr. Kurt Kolander, assistant professor of natural science; Katie Mitzelfelt, Shuping Lai, Qiang
Dai, and Ivor Benjamin
Title: Investigating the Oxidative/Reductive Stress Spectrum in
iPSC-derived Cardiomyocytes
Abstract Summary: Several forms of cardiac disease have been linked to abnormal levels of reactive oxygen species called oxidative (high) or reductive (low) stress. This work aims to create a stem cell based model system to investigate how these stresses cause disease and to develop potential therapeutic approaches for these imbalances.
4. Authors: Tracy L. Tuffey, assistant professor of clinical psychology, and Dr. Rachel F. Pickett, associate professor of psychology
Title: Students’ Perceptions of the Impact of Service Learning in Psychology
Abstract Summary: This work explores the impact of service learning on students’ understanding of university mission, personal faith development, vocational preparation, and awareness of global citizenship. Undergraduate students (N=159) completed a 42-item survey developed by the researchers. Results suggest students perceived positive benefits to service learning. Practical implications for faculty will be discussed.
5. Author: Dr. Kathleen N. Kannass, professor of education, leadership, and innovation
Title: The Relationship Between Laboratory Measures of Attention and
Standardized Measures of Attention in Preschool Children
Abstract Summary: Preschoolers routinely face distraction at home, and laboratory measures of distractibility mimic the challenges preschoolers encounter. Standardized computer measures (e.g., K-CPT) differ considerably. The results revealed correspondence between the measures, with preschoolers who had higher K-CPT scores demonstrating less inattention and completing more work on laboratory measures.
6. Authors: Joseph B. Fisher, assistant professor of natural science; Katelyn Heimbruch, Cary Stelloh, Emily Phillips, Alison Meyer, Kirthi Pulakanti, Maureen McNulty, Aaron Viny, Ross Levine, John Crispino, and Sridhar Rao
Title: Pharmacological inhibition of Dot1l reverses the self-renewal conferred
on HSPCs through cohesin haploinsufficiency by diminishing expression of
Hoxa7 and Hoxa9
Abstract Summary: This original research abstract summarizes the work investigating possible pharmacological interventions for the treatment of leukemia. The researchers previously discovered a molecular pathway associated with leukemia development, and the study found that pharmacological inhibition of that pathway reverses the leukemic phenotype. This study has implications for personalized medicine.
7. Author: Dr. Preston Cosgrove, associate professor of education, leadership, and innovation
Title: Measuring involvement in faith-learning integration: Toward the validation and initial analysis of a survey instrument
Abstract Summary: Little research exists on empirically measuring involvement in the integration of faith and learning (IFL). As a result, this presentation will explore the development, validation, and analysis of an instrument measuring faculty self-perceptions of their IFL involvement. Findings reveal the influence of certain faculty characteristics, particularly IFL professional development participation.
8. Authors: Dr. Steve Montreal, dean of arts and sciences and professor of political science, and Dr. Jeff Walz, professor of political science
Title: LCMS Clergy and Life in the Public Square: An Analysis of 2001, 2009, and 2017
Abstract Summary: Clergy in The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) were surveyed in 2001, 2009, and 2017 to study their political attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Results suggest LCMS clergy are conservative, both theologically and politically, though their levels of political activism varied among the three time intervals.
9. Author: Dr. Mark J. P. Wolf, professor of communications
Title: Farewell to the Phosphorescent Glow: The Long Life of the Cathode-Ray Tube
Abstract Summary: This essay is an analysis of the rise, fall, and influence of the cathoderay tube (CRT), the technology used for television imaging before the
advent of LCD flat-panel screens, including its dissemination, rise to dominance, and quick descent into obsolescence.
10. Authors: Dr. Terry-Elinor Reid, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences; Dr. Henry North, Dr. Keneshia Johnson
Title: Drug Discovery of Novel HDAC3 HIV Latency Reversing Agents
Abstract Summary: In efforts to discover a cure for HIV, we employed computational chemistry approaches to guide the discovery of selective HDAC3 inhibitors. We predict that these novel HIV latency-reversing agents (LRAs) will activate the dormant viral reservoirs and in the presence of antiretroviral therapy will eradicate activated HIV provirus.
11. Authors: Professor Erik Hollander,assistant professor of business, and Dr. Gary Masse, associate professor of product development
Title: The Effects and Impacts of Remedial Mathematics Integrated into a core, entry-level Business class using an early Intervention Strategy to increase future student success at Concordia University Wisconsin
Abstract Summary: The idea and conversation around remedial mathematics and their correlation to student performance in the higher education setting is not a new concept. This concept has come to a head at CUW where students enrolled in a college-level statistics course were struggling to successfully navigate simple algebra, causing the instructors to take a substantial step back to re-evaluate the students’ competencies in general mathematics and preventing continuation into course content. To address this issue, the researchers have been using a freshman course, Business Essentials (BUS 161), to conduct a few classes of remedial mathematics refresher. The results have shown an approximately 30 percent increase in student scores based on pre- and post-assessments. The researchers are now embarking on an examination of these students’ performance in the upper level courses to seek a positive correlation.
12. Authors: Dr. Uvidelio Castillo, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences; Lynne Fehrenbacher, Erika Aldag
Title: Interdepartmental Faculty Collaboration to Validate Antimicrobial Dosing Recommendations for Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System MARS® Dialysis
Abstract Summary: MARS® is a liver support system used for the removal of hydrophilic compounds during liver failure. Limited information to guide antimicrobial dosing for patients using MARS® prompted a partnership between Concordia University Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, physician and transplant specialists at Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center to validate antibiotic dosing recommendations during for the use of MARS®.
13. Author: Dr. Jessica Grimm, DPT
Title: Is There a Benefit to Early Physical Therapy Intervention to Impact Range of Motion After a Total Knee Replacement? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Abstract Summary: A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted using three research articles examining the benefit of early physical therapy intervention to improve range of motion after total knee replacement. The meta-analysis indicated a statistically significant increase in range of motion due to early physical therapy intervention.
14. Author: Dr. Preston Cosgrove, assistant professor of education
Title: Validating Qualitative Research: Embracing Tension and Texture
Abstract Summary: Validity constitutes a field unto itself, given the importance of credible research. Qualitative research’s unique nature has led to significant debates about how to understand and practice validity. In response, this presentation recommends a process that cuts through the divide and offers a coherent validation approach in qualitative research.
15. Authors: Dr. Michael Oldani, director of interprofessional education; Dr. Beth DeJongh, associate professor of pharmacy practice, SOP;
P. Brodwin, UW-Milwaukee/Anthropology
Title: Improving Mental Health Outcomes Through Interprofessional Collaboration: Case Reports on a Pilot Mental Health Court
Abstract Summary: Mental health courts have become an important way to treat criminals with mental illness that require treatment versus jail, where often symptoms worsen. Our research has provided evidence to support keeping a court running in Milwaukee as well as how bringing pharmacists and doctors to the team can improve outcomes.
16. Authors: Anne-Cecile Mingle, PharmD; Andrew Traynor, PharmD, BCPS
Title: Caring Attributes and Actions of Health Science Professors
that Promote Student Help-Seeking Behavior
Abstract Summary:
The intent of the research is identification of caring attributes and actions
of faculty members that promote help-seeking behavior in students experiencing academic challenges. A panel of 25 highly rated health science
professors were surveyed using three rounds of questionnaires, resulting in 52 summative statements that encourage student help-seeking behavior.
17. Authors: Gary Locklair, PhD; Yahya Aldholmi, graduate student at CUW
Title: Forensic Linguistics and the Ethics of Plagiarism Detection Systems
Abstract Summary: The reliance on Plagiarism Detection Systems raise several ethical questions. Students with good linguistic skills can evade PDS recognition by prototypical or multilingual privilege. Students without good linguistic skills, both native and foreign speakers, are easily caught by current PDS recognition algorithms. This dual-standard raises questions of fairness and equality.
18. Author: Dr. Brad Condie, professor of business
Title: The Role of Essences in Human Cognition in the Philosophy of George Santayana
Abstract Summary: This paper presents the work of George Santayana on human cognition and its role in epistemology and human action within the context of the development of pragmatism in early 20th century American philosophy, while also referencing the work of his contemporaries in Britain and Germany.
— This story is written by Kali Thiel, director of university communications for Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. She may be reached at kali.thiel@cuw.edu or 262-243-2149.
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