The future of work is rapidly changing. There have been many headlines focused around work, including: ‘The Great Resignation’ ‘The Great Reconfiguration’ The Great Wait’ ‘The Great Reevalaution’ a “Quitagion,” and many more…
Early in the pandemic, jobs were rebranded: “essential” or “nonessential.” Both labels presented challenges. If a job fit into the category, “nonessential,” some may have thought, did they just work eight to 10 hours a day for nothing? Others whose jobs were “essential,” such as nurses, physicians or cashiers were told that society could not function without them. They needed to risk their health to come in. Regardless of their label, workers got burned out. Employees quit.
During the second half of 2021, an estimated 25 million people left their jobs. The recent 2022 jobs data numbers released by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics revealed that jobs data indicate that current picture is still a bit blurry.
What is crystal clear is that what is needed for the future of work is dynamic leaders who are flexible, adaptable and are scholar-practitioners who understand both theory and application.
Here are a few challenges that employers are currently struggling with, according to research from the Society for Human Research Management (SHRM):
- 71% of employers are struggling to adjust to remote work
- 65% say maintaining employee morale has been a challenge
- More than a third of employees are facing difficulties with company culture
These statistics create huge opportunities for leaders to positively impact the future of work. Employees have new expectations for a better work experience.
Leaders can gain a competitive edge by positioning themselves as a thought leader. Earning a Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) gives professionals the skills needed to pave the way to create innovative change at all levels in their organizations.
The DBA Program at Concordia University Wisconsin provides students with the knowledge, tools, and resources to create transformational change. The three-year, 60-credit program offers three distinctive concentrations: Organizational Performance and Change, and Financial and Economic Management. Drive long-term business change, and lead the future of work.
Learn more about the Concordia University Wisconsin DBA Program here: https://www.cuw.edu/academics/programs/business-administration-doctorate/index.html#admissions
— Dr. Jennifer Knowles, serves as assistant professor of business in the DBA program at Concordia University Wisconsin-Ann Arbor.
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