Whether it be in social work or seminary, Concordia has a path for you.
Familiar ads for Concordia University Wisconsin mention that each of us is created to have an uncommon impact in a common world. That’s the mission of Concordia – to prepare students, all students, to use their gifts in the service of others. This includes post-traditional students in online undergraduate and graduate programs. Students who have recognized the call to serve later in life or after disruptions to their academic pursuits. Concordia’s post-traditional programs have grown to allow these students to pursue service-minded degrees and careers that will allow them to serve in a variety of ways.
For many, this includes serving in Lutheran churches and schools. Others are led to serve in public schools or other private and Christian schools, non-profit ministries, and various social programs.
Dr. Aaron Moldenhauer, Concordia’s Vice-President for Mission, Identity, and Church Relations is intimately familiar with the ongoing importance for Concordia to help students prepare for careers in the Lutheran Church, but also in other Christian settings:
“Concordia offers flexible options for students seeking to serve the church in various offices. For men considering Seminary, we offer programs such as Theological Studies online. This allows students to complete a degree without moving. It also prepares them for the Seminary after completion of a bachelors or associates degree. Other online programs also create a path to serving in rostered church offices, such as Lutheran Education or Director of Church Ministries. These programs are part of Concordia’s commitment to preparing church work students for service in Christ’s church.”
Concordia’s Online Post-Traditional programs allow students to earn degrees related to serving the community while meeting current obligations. Designed with flexibility in mind, students can develop an individual path to completion. Concordia University continues to lead the way with unique online programs not offered by many institutions.
Theological Studies
The worldwide Church looks to support pastors and professional Church workers. Concordia offers scripture-based Theological Studies degrees that can help qualify students for seminary studies:
Theological Studies – Accelerated BA
Rev. Jesse Kueker, an admissions counselor for Concordia Seminary St. Louis states:
“The seminary encourages men to look at our outstanding Concordia University System. When a man is unable to relocate for his undergraduate degree, there are online programs available through Concordia University that have helped many take the next step toward pastoral ministry! May the Lord bless all those in these programs and all those considering enrolling in them. The church needs pastors. Please continue to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest fields.”
Concordia Wisconsin also offers a unique program for the Director of Church Ministry. It allows adult students to use previous college degrees to earn LCMS credentials. Few professional church commissions can be earned completely through online coursework. This opportunity allows students to earn the certificate while working a full-time job in another field.
Director of Church Ministry Certificate
Christian Education
Concordia offers a variety of teacher licensing programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level through its post-traditional online programs. Students volunteering or assisting in classrooms can earn Wisconsin state teaching licenses necessary to teach in public schools. They can also earn Lutheran Teacher Diplomas or Christian Teacher Certificates.
Dr. Adam Paape, the program director for CUW’s Accelerated Teacher programs, has seen tremendous growth in these flexible programs. They provide new pathways for post-traditional students looking to build personal ministry through impacting young people:
“Our online teacher programs lead to Wisconsin State teaching licenses, but can also provide the pathway for Lutheran teachers to earn credentials for LCMS schools, as well as other Christian schools. CUW students can take a uniquely Christian perspective into their ministry as teachers through a program offered by very few institutions.”
And for those that are unable to complete these additional courses, upon beginning work in an LCMS school, some may earn credentials through the LCMS online colloquy program called CUE.net.
For more information see all of the potential graduate and undergraduate options for new and current educators in Education Pathways
Social Work
Other students hear the call to simply serve others, both through church-related organizations, and also in the public sector through both undergraduate and graduate programs in Social Work.
As Nichole Ostrowski, Assistant Professor for Social Work and the Field Coordinator for internships relates:
“Our Christian social workers work in a variety of settings. They work in every facet of community life, including churches, schools, hospitals, senior centers, child welfare, food banks, and in numerous public and private agencies. These individuals serve vulnerable populations and meet societal needs. They combine their social work education and the love of Christ to positively impact communities and individuals.”
Are you hearing God’s call to serve others? Consider the Post-Traditional options for degrees to pursue professional opportunities to impact the world around you! Concordia University Wisconsin’s mission is to help you do that!
Want in?
CUW’s Online classes are offered year-round, with students beginning courses in two eight-week mini-terms during the Spring, Summer, and Fall for most programs. Take action and connect with Concordia University’s admission team by visiting CUW Accelerated Admissions for undergraduate degrees and Graduate Admissions or calling 262-243-4300.