A Concordia alumnus, Rev. Dr. Josh LaFeve brings a wealth of experience and a deep devotion to Christ to his new role at Concordia.
Concordia University Wisconsin is pleased to welcome a new Pre-Seminary Director this academic year. In his new role, Rev. Dr. Josh LaFeve is responsible for recruiting future pre-seminary candidates and nurturing the individuals who are currently enrolled at CUW and on track to further their studies at one of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s two seminaries.
CUW has long held the honor of enrolling more pre-seminary students than any other school in the Concordia University System. Here’s your chance to meet the new man who will continue to shepherd this vital group of future church leaders.
Get to know Pastor LaFeve
What is your background?
I am from Lansing, Michigan. I have been married to my wife, Talitha, for over 15 years and have three
children: Eliana (10), Noah (7), and Daniel (5). Prior to accepting the Divine Call to serve as Assistant
Professor of Theology and Director of Pre-Seminary Studies at CUW, I served as a parish pastor for over
thirteen years, four on the west coast of California, and over nine on the west coast of Michigan, on
Lake Michigan.
I have a B.A. from Concordia University Ann Arbor (2005) with a major in religious studies and a minor
in history and political science. I earned my MDiv (2010) and STM (2017) from Concordia Seminary,
St. Louis. In 2021, I earned a doctorate from Duke University in the area of leadership theory and biblical
studies. My research interests include the New Testament Pauline Epistles, the engagement of Pauline
theology with 21st Century American cultural narratives, and the integration of leadership theory with
ministry in local Christian parishes.
What inspired you to pursue the role of pre-seminary director at CUW?
Above all else, a love for the Church and the Pastoral Ministry. Having served as a parish pastor for over thirteen years, I enjoy preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I am drawn to the opportunity, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to cultivate that enjoyment and love in the Church’s future pastors and deaconesses.
What are your primary goals for the program?
I would like to see a vibrant, thriving Pre-Seminary Program that consists of many students engaged in
rigorous theological training and language study, and who model a Christ-like life of service, excellence,
and truth-telling in mind, body, and spirit. I envision this taking shape through relationships with faculty
in the classroom as students pursue academic excellence. I also envision this kind of formation
happening in relationships with staff and fellow students outside of the classroom, in chapel, through
service in various clubs, and during bi-monthly Pre-Seminary Student Association (PSSA) meetings.
What are you most excited about as you begin this new role?
I am most excited about serving the students and being a part of this university. As a graduate of a
Concordia University System school, I know what kind of impact a place like this can have on a student’s
faith and life. So, I am looking forward to teaching students the Word of God and faithful Christian
doctrine in the classroom. I am also excited about getting to know students in the pre-seminary program
both in and outside of classroom settings and worshipping with them in chapel.
How do you plan to collaborate with other departments to enhance the pre-seminary program?
The study of theology intersects so deeply with many other disciplines. I then look forward to
discovering ways that pre-seminary students can engage with other disciplines. For instance, the
integration of theology and medicine is a fruitful area to consider for collaboration. I also like the idea of
exploring how one’s faith in Christ and primary vocation as a baptized child of God impacts other
vocations that God gives to us. To this end, it could be valuable to invite faculty of other departments to
speak at Pre-Seminary Student Association meetings.
What can a student expect to get out of this program?
A student in the Pre-Seminary Program at CUW can expect primarily three things: 1. Exceptional
development in the theological languages of Greek, Hebrew, and Latin. 2. Faithful study of the Bible with
solid biblical exegesis. 3. Sound biblical doctrine. A pre-seminary student will learn what confessional
Lutherans believe and he will be prepared to confess this truth with courage and love in the world.
As students prepare to exit the program, do you or other faculty help them decide which seminary will fit them best?
I have had many meetings with the pre-seminary students in my first two weeks on campus. In those
meetings, especially with the seniors, we discuss seminary plans. My approach is always to ask the
question and then try to listen deeply and guide as appropriate. Having studied at both seminaries—
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne—for various lengths of
time, I feel that I can speak highly of both from personal experience and help the students weigh the
pros and cons for their specific life situation.
What is your favorite area within theology?
I enjoy studying the Bible and opening up the Scriptures for others through solid biblical exegesis and a
close reading of the biblical text. Specific research and teaching interests include the New Testament
Pauline epistles, especially St. Paul’s letter to the Romans. I also enjoy engaging Pauline theology with
21st Century American cultural narratives.
What is one fun fact about you?
I like playing ultimate frisbee with college students.
Want in?
If you feel the Lord is calling you to serve as a pastor, we would encourage you to schedule a visit at CUW. In March, the university will host a Vocation Visit Day. This special visit day is designed for students who are enthusiastic about exploring CUW’s programs in education, music, theology and pre-seminary studies, with a special focus on serving the Church. The visit provides an all-inclusive look into student life, including a look at Concordia’s campus ministries. Please expect to be on campus for five hours.