"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." —1 Peter 4:10
This past weekend, CUW celebrated a total of 980 candidates for graduation at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Among the most recent cohort of graduates are several dozen individuals who have been called to serve as Commissioned Ministers within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Nurtured by CUW to serve as the hands and feet of Christ throughout the world, these Concordians are among the latest graduates to receive calls or designations to serve in Lutheran schools, churches, or organizations.
Each spring, Synod releases the fall Concordia University System Enrollment Report. This year’s data show that CUW leads the way among the CUS in preparing the most candidates to serve the Church.
Out of the seven campuses that make up the Concordia University System, the latest numbers show that CUW prepares:
- The most church work candidates for the LCMS. CUW’s total undergraduate and graduate rostered church work total is 324, whereas the second-largest enrollment on a CUS campus is 231.
- The most pre-seminary students. CUW’s 58-student total is nearly double that of any other Concordia.
- The most Lutheran teachers. With 117 candidates, CUW beats out even CUNE, the campus that has traditionally held the lead.
- The only Director of Church Ministries program. The DCM program designation officially became a recognized office within the LCMS in spring 2020. There are currently 40 candidates enrolled.
- The most undergraduates who are Lutheran (any denomination). 1,155 undergraduate students, or 40% of the total undergraduate population at CUW, identifies as Lutheran. 88% of the total undergraduate population identifies as Christian.
- The most graduate-level learners who are Lutheran. 460 graduate students, or 21% of the total graduate population at CUW, identifies as Lutheran. 73% of CUW’s total graduate population identifies as Christian.
The following is a list of the CUW’s 2021-22 education graduates who have currently accepted designations or calls to serve within Lutheran schools.
Rachel Goodwin (December grad) | St. John Lutheran in West Bend, WI
Jared Jurss | First Immanuel Lutheran in Cedarburg, WI
Jenna Venderhyde | St. Paul’s Lutheran in Des Peres, MO
Emily Blue (December grad) | St. John Lutheran in West Bend, WI
Jordan Mahnken (December grad) | Good Shepherd Lutheran in Watertown, WI
Katherine Newman (December grad) | St. John’s Lutheran in New Boston, MI
Lindsey Fuchsberger | Mt. Olive Lutheran in Milwaukee, WI
Allysa Harding | Good Shepherd Lutheran in Watertown, WI
Karisa Hoffman*
Kyra Hohnstadt | St. Lorenz Lutheran in Frankenmuth, MI
Theresa Meyer | Immanuel Lutheran in Wentzville, MO
Aidan O’Donnell | Trinity Lutheran Freistadt in Mequon, WI
Anna Regan | Immanuel Lutheran in Olivette, MO
James Switch*
*Still considering a call or placement
Kelsey Koepke (December grad) | Racine Lutheran High School in Racine, WI
Bryce Becker | St. john Lutheran in Mattoon, IL
Mollie Hittinger | Faith Lutheran Middle School in Las Vegas, NV
Zach Reineke | Sierra Lutheran High School in Carson City, NV
Bennett Reisler | Lutheran High School in Parker, CO
Matthew Ziemer | St. Paul Lutheran in Aurora, IL
Trent DeMarest
Bethany Dillon
Rachel Klug
Katelyn Naber
Jane Picciolo
Courtney Seider
Jessica Anderson
Johanna Duckmann
The following is a list of Concordia DCM graduates who have recently received their first calls/placements.
David Barton (December grad) | Evangelical Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer in Freeport, IL
Daniel Newman (December grad) | Faith Lutheran Church in Appleton, WI
Nathan Thomack | St. James Lutheran Church in Shawano, WI
Mike Fanuke | Rockford Lutheran School in Rockford, IL
The following is a list of DCM grads who are still considering calls or placements.
Garrett Anklam*
Caleb Bartholomew
Derrick Folkman
Jessi Kirby
RuthAnn Langness
Karl Miller
Ryan Nack*
*Plans to attend seminary following graduation
Multiple individuals graduated this year and have plans to attend one of the LCMS’ two seminaries next year. CUW annually recognizes these individuals when they participate in the seminaries’ Call Day celebrations.
— This story is written by Kali Thiel, director of university communications for Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. She may be reached at kali.thiel@cuw.edu or 262-243-2149.
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