When your class period promises access to cute babies, it’s tough not to be excited about the day’s lesson.
First-year DPT students in Dr. Bob Barnhart’s “Movement Science” course spent their class time last week observing some special guests: Infants and toddlers between the ages of 1 and 13 months. The goal was to note the subjects’ movements and try to determine their age and what variables impact their motor skills.
LEARN MORE: Explore CUW’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program
It’s a lesson Barnhart has incorporated into the class for the past decade or so.
“Real babies are different than videos,” says Barnhart. “For one thing, they move a lot faster and they can get fussy. The lesson also helps students learn to communicate effectively with parents. It’s good training for when they’re out in the workforce.”
Six CUW employees volunteered their children or grandchildren for the exercise. Among the volunteers were: Tim Brever and his 17-month-old son, Amber Schiessl and her 7-month-old son, Jessica Loppnow and her 4-month-old daughter, Meghan Watry-Christian and her 1-year-old daughter, Deborah Jackson and her 1-year-old grandson, and Diara Crowder and her 13-month-old son.
The Crowder, Schiessl, and Jackson infants/toddlers are pictured below. Scroll down to see scenes from the class in session.
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