Concordia University Wisconsin's Academic Resource Center (ARC) has not missed a beat during this time of online-only delivery of classes, despite an inability to offer face-to-face sessions with students.
“We realize a number of students are feeling the stress of this Covid-19 pandemic, but want to assure them that we have their backs,” said Janis Chapman, M.Ed., director of academic resources and accessibility services. “Our entire staff continues to actively interact with students and faculty with alternative testing and accessibility support, spending numerous hours on Zoom chatting with them,” added Chapman, who came to Concordia in August, 2018 after 32 years as an administrator of pupil services and special education in K-12 public education.
Concordia’s Academic Resource Center provides free services, programs and support for all students so they can grow into independent learners. cuw.edu/student-academic-resources Students can request appointments for the Math Drop-in Desk, Tutoring and Academic Coaching, Supplemental Instruction or The Writing Center by logging in with their FOO# via TutorTrac tutortrac.cuw.edu or by e-mailing Cody McSorley, a support specialist, at cody.mcsorley@cuw.edu.
Most students before the switch to remote instruction were used to logging into TutorTrac, according to Chapman, who along with Kathleen Grady have been spending much of their days online with testing accommodations. Eric Adams oversees The Writing Center, which offers students reviews of their term papers by writing consultants.
“Our numbers are fairly consistent with what they were before spring break,” noted McSorley. “Overall, our tutors and student workers have done a tremendous job in the transition to working solely online. There have been some challenges as you might expect with any big change, like having to use multiple Zoom meetings due to numbers restrictions,” added McSorley, who earned his Master of Science in Student Personnel Administration from Concordia University Ann Arbor. “Our student workers have stepped up and have been as patient and understanding as I could have asked.”
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