Week 48
PREVENTION! With holiday gatherings comes exposure to viruses. Get vaccinated and submit for points! Flu (200 points) and COVID booster(250 points)! Did you get your mammogram or colonoscopy(400 points) done this year? Don’t leave points on the table.
Week 49
Verify that you are getting points for your physical activity! Syncing your Fitbit/Apple Watch/etc. with Vitality ensures that you get points every day you hit steps. Even 5000 steps a day nets 5 points, which adds up to 1825 over an entire year.
Week 50
If the holiday season is a little rough, you aren’t alone! Attend one of EAP’s wellness webcasts(50 points) or use the counseling benefit they offer(100 points/session). Remember, they are free to ALL employees and those living in your household as well.
Week 51
Although the weather is getting chilly, holiday-themed 5Ks are all around us! Don’t forget to submit proof of your participation for 250 points!
Week 52
Set your resolutions or goals for 2024! Vitality offers a kick-start bonus of 10% of your points earned in 2023, so you have points already! Set your goals, make a plan, and make 2024 the Year of You!