Sunday, December 24
Isaiah 44:21-45:13, 20-25, Daniel 10:1-12:13, Isaiah 48:1-22, and
Revelation 12:1-17
I survive by making lists–most often a “to do” list that stretches longer that I want to admit. During this holiday season, the list grows longer, and I am likely to forget something–or many things–as my family prepares for the Christmas holiday.
If I am honest, my “forgetfulness” is a symptom of a larger problem. In my efforts to: attend all the gatherings on my calendar; finish the Christmas cards; find and wrap the perfect Christmas gifts; prepare our family’s favorite foods, I am putting up idols– not decorations–and forgetting both my deep and abiding need for a Savior, and our Heavenly Father’s mercy and love in sending His Son to take on human flesh and be the Savior I–and we–so desperately need.
On this silent and holy night, our reading from Isaiah reminds us that our Lord does not forget his people (v. 21), and from this perspective, the act of remembering is integral to our understanding of faith. Suddenly our Lord not only remembers us, but He also tenderly invites us to remember–in faith–that:
He has created us:
“I have formed you, you are My servant” (v21).
He has redeemed us and forgiven our sins:
I have blotted out, like a thick
cloud, your transgressions,
And like a cloud, your sins (v. 22).
He wants us to come home to Him:
Return to Me, for I have
redeemed you (v. 22)
Christmas Eve now becomes an opportunity for us to remember that the God “who makes all things” (v. 24); who “stretches out the heavens all alone” (v. 24); who “spreads abroad the earth” (v. 24) now rends the heavens wide open and comes to us as a lowly infant. In this way, our Lord reminds us that what He once made, He now makes new again–through the life and death and resurrection of the One who came to us in Bethlehem; the One who comes to us in water and word and bread and wine; the One who will come again to take us home to Him.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus (+). Amen.

CUWAA President
About this series
“God With Us: the uncommon advent of our Savior” is a sampling of biblical meditations composed by members of the CUWAA community. It is our prayer that you will take time during the Advent season to read and reflect upon God’s Word and await the coming of Jesus with newfound enthusiasm and anticipation through the Holy Spirit.