Quantum Health is the industry-leading, health care navigation and care coordination company. For over 20 years, Quantum Health has helped individuals realize a better health care experience.
When you contact Quantum Health, you receive personalized concierge care from a dedicated group of healthcare and benefits professionals.
Concordia Plans has partnered with Quantum Health to assist you and your enrolled family members navigate the complexities of healthcare, including medical and prescription coverage. Quantum Health will:
- Find you the best care for the best cost.
- Assist in ensuring that medical claims are paid correctly.
- Assist in finding a provider (doctor or medical facility) in your network.
- Provide ID cards.
- Update you with claims and deductibles information.
- Navigate you to solutions that improve your health and wellness goals.
When you undergo a healthcare issue, Quantum Health’s care coordinators offer guidance early in your medical
journey which can result in improved health outcomes.