Are you a graphic designer or web developer looking for a way to enhance your career by adding a new skill to your resume? Here's a design degree you may not have considered before.
Learning happens everywhere, every day, in every circumstance. Yet, our experiences, especially in an increasingly digital world, are crafted by someone, towards some end.
Even though they may not immediately realize it, designers play a critical part in these daily experiences. They provide the vehicles through which we experience our daily education. Designers invite others to join with them and share in an idea.
An Educational Next Step
But sometimes designers can get lost in the aesthetic of their design. It is understandable; creatives are passionate and can be insanely focused on bringing their vision to life. When it comes to design degrees, the Master of Science in Education — Educational Design and Technology degree provides a different sort of anchor that grounds design work in the shared human experience as compared to other degrees. It takes the best of educational theory and marries it to emerging technological practices. The outcome is something unique, especially when placed in the hands of someone with an innovative mind.
We live in an age where the means of expression and modes of communication are constantly changing. This program provides designers from all disciplines concrete ways to stay relevant during this tumultuous time. More than that, it allows creative types to actually create as part of the learning experience. The end result for the student is a body of work that is as groundbreaking as it is practical.
Who the Program Benefits
Graphic designers, UI and UX designers, front end web developers, and anyone interested in using educational media, infographics, simulations, or developing multimedia environments would make great candidates for this program. Additionally, instructional designers, straddling the line between creative and educational professional, would also do especially well.
If you are curious to learn more—Concordia University Online has a MSeD in Educational Design and Technology program that is taught 100% online. It is one of the only degrees in the world to feature a digital badging system. Request information on the program to learn more.
— This story is written by Kali Thiel, director of university communications for Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. She may be reached at or 262-243-2149.
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