Go for the gold

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, with a focus on destigmatizing mental illness and creating a support network for mental health services. The first half of the month, we will focus on mental health related items that can earn you points on your quest to Go For Gold!

Week 18

Have you incorporated prioritizing mental health into your monthly Vitality goals? If not, now might be a great time to start. Vitality has 8 mental wellness goals available to choose from, ranging from stress management and calming routines to sleep and positive thinking. Check in weekly for 30 points. Try for the month of May and see how it impacts your overall mental wellbeing!

Week 19

Did you know you can receive 100 points (up to 600 annually) for visiting with a licensed mental health professional? Simply submit a receipt, appointment confirmation or an explanation of benefits (EOB) to receive your points. Bonus: These points coincide with our EAP benefit of 6 free counseling visits. If you don’t already have a counselor or therapist and would like one, talk to HR to get more information on the EAP.

Week 20

The EAP offers a variety of wellness webinars. Navigate to your points planner in Vitality and scroll to Coaching and Lifestyle Guidance. The EAP Wellness Webcast link will take you to a different site, but you can register there for various webinars. To receive your certificate of completion, click “yes” when prompted during the seminar and submit the post survey.  This can then be submitted to Vitality for 50 points (up to 600 available annually). The EAP offers about 2 monthly, on a variety of topics.

Week 21

Run a 5K! Whether you are participating in the C25K Challenge or not, lace up those shoes and put on some miles! The event must be sanctioned by an organization recognized by Vitality. Submit your completed athletic event form and proof of completion at the event (options include official results with your name highlighted, an official certification of completion, or a copy of the event bib). There is no maximum as to how many you can run, but only one event per day will receive points, and there is a maximum of 7000 points allowed for physical activity points annually.

Week 22

Let’s not forget about prevention! If you are eligible, be sure to schedule your annual mammogram, pap smear and/or colonoscopy for the year. Submit results or an EOB for 400 points per screening.