transforming business sustainability

Impactful education develops modern leaders and generates valuable solutions. It moves beyond discussing problems, to focus on sustainable outcomes and positive impacts. In case you missed Part 1 of this series on business sustainability, make sure to check it out. Now our approach to impactful education in our Business Sustainability concentration highlights three main areas:

  1. Applying the most modern strategies to assess environmental risks
  2. Engaging science and economics to promote innovation and generate value
  3. Implementing solutions that are ethical and sustainable

The primary purpose of these focus areas is to support entrepreneurial leaders. We have established several advanced learning experiences for emerging leaders and business practitioners to support complex decision-making, innovation, and sustainable business practices.   

Assessing Environmental Risks

Transforming business sustainability requires the application of the newest strategies to assess environmental risks. Modern leaders in business sustainability are increasingly using Dynamic Systems-Thinking (DST), a multi-methods approach, to analyze complex problems. Our DST approach explores transformative business practices and strategies to manage supply chain risks, resource scarcity, energy security, and new patterns of production and consumption.

By the end of our new course, Environmental Risks and Sustainable Solutions for Business, our learners are able to:

  • Use multiple methods to assess environmental risks
  • Apply innovative practices to change the carbon trajectory
  • Address energy security
  • Implement commodity tracking systems
  • Develop sustainable solutions for their business

Engaging Science and Economics

Modern businesses need to be able to engage science and ecological economics to address environmental challenges facing businesses in the competitive global market. To meet the triple bottom line, people-planet-profit, we need to apply concepts of decision sciences, circular economies, lifecycle analysis, and commodity tracking.

Circular economies improve environmental sustainability and boost economic growth through innovation while reversing planned obsolescence and reducing negative externalities. We have developed several new courses to address these emerging strategies, including Engaging Science to Promote Business Innovation, Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development, and Circular Economies and Supply Chain Stewardship.

They examine the newest methods to manage the energy-water-food-climate nexus, including strategies to minimize systematic waste. The objective of engaging science and economics is to improve sustainability, evaluate resource scarcity, address supply chain risks, deliver innovative solutions, and advance responsible corporate stewardship.

Ethical and Sustainable Solutions

To support entrepreneurial leaders, businesses need to re-train or upskill their emerging leaders in strategic leadership and environmental stewardship. They also need to support ethical work environments for innovators and foster sustainable solutions, as well as support efforts to align sustainability goals with master strategic plans.

We have established a capstone learning experience for our students to develop custom environmental stewardship plans for their businesses. Advanced students can also develop environmental stewardship plans with corporate partners or conduct environmental consultancy practicums. In the new course, Environmental Stewardship Plan Development for Business, students apply stewardship and strategic planning to support business ethics and promote sustainable business practices and learn multiple methods to measure and report on progress and impacts.

Through project-based learning experiences, our students gain knowledge in sustaining vital ecosystem services, generating value, and supporting corporate responsibility through environmental stewardship.

Our work in Business Sustainability is committed to transformative practices in sustainability, innovative leadership, and sustainable solutions.

Learn more

For additional information about business sustainability or DBA-related questions, contact Professor Jenny Kehl at or visit us here.

You can also learn more about DBA faculty Dr. Jenny Kehl here.