Concordia's Accelerated Social Work program allows students with busy schedules and family life to finish their Bachelor's degree and pursue a profession helping those most in need.
Do you find yourself ruminating on ways to end the homelessness epidemic in your community? Do you constantly wonder about how to eradicate racial and social injustices plaguing our society? Or, more simply, do you have a passion for a helping profession focused on relationships, social justice, and communities? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, a career in Social Work may be the right path for you. These are just a few aspects of the 12 Grand Challenges for Social Work developed by the American Academy of Social Work & Welfare.
At Concordia, a Christ-centered education works hand-in-hand with NASW’s Code of Ethics. CUW’s mission explains the university is “committed to helping students develop in mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and the world”. The very idea of Social Work focuses on service to vulnerable populations and making sure their voice is heard. We serve God by serving others, and CUW student’s answer this call by committing to bettering the lives of those who are underprivileged.
Because of the increased need for social workers, Concordia University of Wisconsin established an Accelerated Social Work program at the Kenosha, Green Bay and Miller Park Way Centers in 2016. The program length varies based on transfer credits, but once a student begins the core social work classes, the program takes about two and a half years to complete. The accelerated program accommodates student’s busy schedules by offering classes in the evening and online. This program prioritizes getting students out into the field to get hands-on practice with the profession before they start their career. Their senior year in Social Work will include 450 hours of field experience. CUW professors work directly with organizations to help place students in a population they have a passion for.
A career in Social Work will challenge you, but reward you in ways you never thought possible. It is an ever-changing field that requires fervent dedication to the growing needs of all people. Professor Nichole Ostrowski MSW, APSW answers the question “Why Social Work?”: “Social work is a meaningful, action-packed calling; an opportunity to empower people, pull communities together, promote social justice and advocate for real change. We have the incredible honor and responsibility of walking into the darkest moments in a person’s life and offering a possible solution – a glimmer of hope. We are rewarded by having a front row seat to the capacity for resiliency in the human spirit.”
If you feel called to the Social Work field, please take a look at the admissions requirements and please book a call with one of our Inquiry Support Specialists. They are ready to answer your questions and help you get connected to the information you need.
If you are ready to apply, please use this link: www.cuw.edu/apply and choose the accelerated application.
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