Concordia University Wisconsin will host its 11th annual STEAM Camps, July 8-12, under the themes of Breakout the Bubbles, Balloons and Balls, and Lights, Camera, Action, following camps at four off-campus Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod elementary schools.
Morning and afternoon camps will offer hands-on learning opportunities and are open to elementary and middle school students entering grades 3-8 this fall. Breakout the Bubbles, Balloons, and Balls will be held from 9-noon on the university’s main campus, 12800 North Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, while Lights, Camera, Action runs from 1-4 p.m. Sponsored by Concordia University Wisconsin’s School of Education, each camp costs $99. Students can attend both camps and bring their own lunch.
“It’s no secret we need more leaders who are skilled in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) fields,” said Dr. Kathleen Kremer, an associate professor and director of the STEAM Camps. “Our content specialists take great effort in creating camp sessions,” noted Kremer, “and they’re designed to be fun, full of learning, and distinctively Christian.”
Breakout the Bubbles, Balloons, and Balls
This 3-hour camp will explore the properties of bubbles in an effort to create the largest, longest lasting, and most interestingly shaped bubbles. Students will investigate the physics that allow balls to bounce the highest and be thrown the furthest, as well as what features make a ball ideal for a specific sport.
Lights, Camera, Action
Participants will have the opportunity during this camp to explore the elements of movie making, develop unusual sound effects and investigate the special effects that lighting can have on a movie before producing one of their own.
The impending shortage of STEAM leaders was part of the rationale in expanding the Breakout the Bubbles, Balloons, and Balls camp to the following off-campus locations this month:
St. Peter Immanuel Lutheran School, Schaumburg, Illinois, June 10-14
Immanuel Lutheran School, East Dundee, Illinois, June 10-14
Atonement Lutheran School, Metairie, Louisiana, June 17-21
Divine Redeemer Lutheran School, Hartland, Wisconsin, June 17-21
Scholarships, secured in 2017 from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction by Dr. Michael Uden, vice provost of student enrollment and engagement at Concordia University Wisconsin, may be available in some locations for qualifying students.
To register or for more details on the CUW camps July 8-12, visit cuw.edu.steam. If you have any questions, please contact Kathleen Kremer at kathleen.kremer@cuw.edu.
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