Did you know that a few CUWAA staff are also Study Abroad alumni?

The benefits of a Study Abroad experience are boundless! Studying abroad gives you the chance to flex your problem-solving skills, embrace new experiences, and harness the power of real-world learning.

No one knows this better than the CUWAA faculty and staff who opted for their own Study Abroad experience. CUW has had several of its faculty and staff study abroad, some multiple times. This series will give you a glimpse at a few of them. Click here to read more.

Study Abroad to Mexico

Jessica Peters, Immigration Coordinator in the Office of International Education since January 2024, reflects on her study abroad to Mexico:

I did a homestay in Oaxaca, Mexico in 2021. It was amazing to be able to experience everyday life with my host family, immersive university-level Spanish language and culture classes, and enriching group outings and activities. Studying abroad helped me connect with a culture and language that interested me as well as develop appreciation for other’s similarities and differences.

Jessica currently serves our international students by advising them on academic and immigration matters as well as helping out with cultural activities. Students can often hear staff speaking in Spanish and other languages around the International Center both among themselves and with students.

Concordia students deciding between apartment or homestay housing abroad can always speak with a staff member about their experience abroad. Homestay families are carefully vetted for safety and are a wonderful option for students looking for language practice and full cultural immersion. The home cooked meals are an added benefit as well!

Want in?

For more information on Study Abroad, visit www.cuw.edu/studyabroad to learn more. CUWAA students are traveling to Australia, Belize, Germany, and Greece this summer.