Did you know that a few CUWAA staff are also Study Abroad alumni?
The benefits of a Study Abroad experience are boundless! Studying abroad gives you the chance to flex your problem-solving skills, embrace new experiences, and harness the power of real-world learning.
No one knows this better than the CUWAA faculty and staff who opted for their own Study Abroad experience. CUW has had several of its faculty and staff study abroad, some multiple times. This series will give you a glimpse at a few of them. Click here to read more.
First Study Abroad Experience: Norway
Maggie Leimkuehler, Coordinator of Study Abroad since 2018, has studies abroad three times. First traveling with States’ 4-H, a program of the Ohio State and Wisconsin University Extension Offices, Maggie and 6 others from Ohio and Wisconsin visited Norway in 2012 while Norwegian students visited the US. Maggie lived with a family on their farm in Honefoss, Norway where she helped the family with daily life such as feeding the small flock of sheep.

Second Study Abroad Experience: Spain
Maggie’s second study abroad experience was to Alcala de Henares, Spain, with Bowling Green State University in 2013. Students took classes at the nearby teaching college and took part in field trips to the north and south of Spain. Again living with a host family, Maggie was able to learn Spanish grammar alongside the host family’s two grandchildren.
Third Study Abroad Experience: Austria
In 2015, Maggie studied in Salzburg, Austria, also with BGSU. This time students of the program took classes alongside Austrian and other European students for full immersion in the language. All students lived in residence halls off campus with a mix of different countries represented. The group hiked local mountains such as Berchtesgaden in Germany and Monchsberg, right in Salzburg.
These experiences abroad led Maggie to volunteer with the BGSU International Office and go on to work in study abroad with IES Abroad in Chicago. After 2 years, Maggie joined the CUWAA International team and has advised more than 900 students across both campuses.

Want in?
For more information on Study Abroad, visit www.cuw.edu/studyabroad to learn more. CUWAA students are traveling to Australia, Belize, Germany, and Greece this summer.