One of the ways Concordia’s School of Health Professions achieves a quality educational experience for students is by cultivating and developing meaningful community collaborations. Learn how you can partner with the Department of Social Work.
In January, Concordia University Wisconsin opened its Interprofessional Clinic, a 9,150-square-foot space designed to enhance student learning opportunities and extend valuable health and social care services to the community. This newly renovated clinic provides much-needed spaces devoted to educating all students to become interprofessional (IP) practitioners.
Later this month, School of Health Professions alumni are invited to learn more about the important role they can play in supporting the mission of the clinic and Concordia.
Creating Community Collaborations: A CUW Alumni Event
Wednesday, Oct. 25 | 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Department of Social Work IP Clinic applications
The Interprofessional Clinic is utilized by a variety of School of Health Professions programs, including Concordia’s Bachelor of Social Work students. The implications of the space for the social work department are exciting, says BSW Program Director Nichole Ostrowski.
In the near future, the Department of Social Work plans to partner with professions within the School of Health Professions to collect biopsychosocial information on clients seeking services at the clinic. The Department also hopes to use the space to record interviews with students in the BSW program who are learning engagement skills, and the Child Welfare class plans to use the apartment to conduct a mock home visit.
“The Social Work department is excited to collaborate with other health professions to educate our students and comprehensively serve the community,” said Ostrowski.
About the Social Work Department
The Department of Social Work offers both a BSW and a MSW. The Department of Social Work is housed in the School of Health Professions. The Department currently has six full-time faculty and several dedicated, long-term adjuncts.
On June 16, 1997, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) granted initial accreditation for a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program at CUW. The program has remained fully accredited since that time. In 2017, the BSW program was expanded to CUAA. In April 2022, the BSW program applied for a substantive change with CSWE to transition its face-to-face accelerated program to a fully online, asynchronous program. The BSW program has seen some exciting growth and averages a cohort size of roughly15 in both the traditional program and accelerated program.
The Master of Social Work degree is designed to prepare students for professional practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. The MSW is a competency-based degree that emphasizes the significant contribution of knowledge, values, skills, and the importance of cognitive/affective responses to practice situations. CUW offers MSW students an Advanced Generalist specialization. The program also offers students the opportunity to take courses that prepare them to be eligible for clinical licensure in Wisconsin. The MSW program was granted initial accreditation through CSWE in February 2020. In April 2022, the MSW program applied for a substantive change with CSWE to transition to a fully online, asynchronous program. CSWE granted this program change in August 2022. Since the transition to becoming a fully online program we have enrolled students from across the country. The MSW program has seen consistent and steady growth with an average graduating class of 22 students.
The Department of Social Work works with over 250 agencies around the country to place both BSW and MSW students in their field placements.
Want in?
Concordia’s social work program uses Christian service, quality research, and hands-on learning to grow you as a competent professional. Earn your bachelor’s degree at CUW and then continue on to acquire an MSW, the most sought-after social services degree. Learn more about our programs by clicking below.