Wherever you go to college, each place will have a different set of requirements for OT school. Here at Concordia University Wisconsin, we want to make it easy for you to find and understand what steps you need to take to apply. Below we have outlined our admissions requirements for OT school and how to apply.
Master of Occupational Therapy admission requirements
To apply for our MOT program you must have the following:
- Minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0
- Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution -OR- current enrollment in a BSRS degree program at Concordia University Wisconsin
- 8-semester credits of Human Anatomy & Physiology, from a Biology, Anatomy, or Physiology department with a lab component, completed with a grade of B or better in each course
- 3-semester credits of Statistics, completed with a grade of B or better
- Ability to perform Essential Functions of an occupational therapist
- Official college transcripts from all previously attended institutions
- Three letters of recommendation
- Essays as designated per track
MOT Tracks
Bridge Track
Our bridge track is designed for Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants that want to further their education. Check out the requirements below.
- Licensed OTA with at least 1 year of work experience as an OTA or currently working at least 80 hours per month
- 4 credits of Anatomy & Physiology (with lab) with a C or better
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better from an OTA program
- 1 letter of recommendation from a current employer
- Current resume including proof of current license to practice
Post-baccalcalaureate Track
You have options if you have a bachelor’s degree in another field but want to become an OT. Our post-baccalaureate track gives you that chance. In addition to the MOT requirements, you will need the following:
- Documentation of 40 hours of job shadowing
- Applicants for the Post-Baccalaureate Track must submit an online application through OTCAS
Accelerated Track
The Accelerated track is designed for high school graduates who are prepared to pursue both a bachelor’s and graduate degree. Students who begin their undergraduate career as a freshman in Concordia University Wisconsin’s Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Science (BSRS) program may apply to the MOT program – Accelerated track during the fall of their sophomore year. Some requirements include:
- Must have a high school GPA of 3.2 or higher
- ACT score of 21 or higher
- Documentation of 40 hours of job shadowing
Doctor of Occupational Therapy admission requirements
Students interested in the entry-level Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTDe), must first apply to the MOT program. At the end of the second semester of the MOT program, you may apply for the OTDe program, if you meet the following requirements:
- Cumulative and semester OT GPA of 3.0 or better
- Current enrollment in the Concordia MOT program
- No current or past professional or academic probation
The following must be completed by the end of your second MOT semester:
- Year 1 Student Portfolio
- OTDe Application
- OTDA Admissions Interview
Applying for the MOT and OTDe
To apply for our Master of Occupational Therapy program, click below if interested in the bridge or accelerated track. Students in the MOT program interested in the doctorate should speak to their advisor about applying.
Need more information?
If you need more information about earning a Master of Occupational Therapy, or Doctor of Occupational Therapy, or about our program, visit our page below.