Get to know Laurie Strommen, manager of housekeeping at CUW!

It’s time to meet the epitome of servanthood! Students may not readily recognize her face, but they sure feel the effects of her work. Laurie oversees the team who keeps things clean and tidy at Concordia. Her humble, hard-working nature is a model to all. Truth be told, she would have preferred to not even be spotlighted here, but we, in the Strat Comms Office, believes that the person who is ultimately responsible for keeping our on-campus spaces clear, clean, and uncluttered deserves to be known.

Years at Concordia?


What is your favorite way to spend a weekend?

With family, just hanging out and catching up. We don’t always get to do that. This past weekend, I was with my sisters, for example, and it was a giggle fest!

Do you fit the stereotype of your birth order?

I’m number five of six, and we’re kind of split into two groups. So, I’m the “middle child” of the second group, but I wouldn’t say the middle child stereotype fits me!

If you could be excellent enough to compete in any Olympic event, which would it be?

Oh, I’d be Simone (Biles)! No question.

What is an important life lesson you keep close to your heart?

Stay calm and have hope.

What makes Concordia students special?

Their passion for what they’re learning intertwined with their faith. When they share with you that moment that they got through something they didn’t think they could…oh, it’s beautiful!

First job?

Babysitting, of course, and then it was waitressing from high school until forever!

If someone wanted to show you appreciation, how would you like to receive it?

I wouldn’t! I like to hide. I’d much rather share praise with others, because you don’t ever do anything on your own. Someone’s always got you!

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