The Presidential Search Committee of Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor (CUWAA) invites nominations of candidates in its search for Concordia’s next president.
The bylaws of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) prescribe this process and establish the critical functions and necessary qualifications for university presidents.
The following individuals or groups may submit nominations:
- Full-time CUWAA faculty
- LCMS congregations
- The Board of Directors of the Concordia University System
- The CUWAA Board of Regents
The University seeks a deeply committed leader of uncommon capacity, Christian character, Lutheran fidelity, and innovative will. The candidate will believe in Concordia’s core values and effectively navigate CUWAA into its future, ensuring success for generations of Concordians to come.
Nominations will be accepted May 14 through July 15, 2021.
Nomination Protocols
Submissions must include information about the nominee and the nominator, including a description of how the individual satisfies the qualifications. The Search Committee will authenticate all nominations received.
Those submitting nominations on behalf of an LCMS congregation will identify their congregation and the name and contact information of their congregation’s senior pastor. Nominations will be authenticated by the search committee. Individual LCMS members are encouraged to work through their congregations before submitting nominations.
Once authenticated, nominees will accept or decline the nomination. If they accept, they will be asked to submit their professional resume/CV.
The CUWAA Board of Regents will submit all nominations that have been accepted by the nominees directly to the LCMS Prior Approval Panel without any screening or pre-approval. The list of nominees will not be published, per the bylaws of the LCMS (
Required/Desired Qualifications
Outstanding nominees will satisfy the required and desired qualifications, highlights of which are detailed below. A complete candidate profile is available on the Presidential Search website.
The Presidential Search Committee is open to considering candidates from a range of backgrounds who meet the requirements for candidacy established by the LCMS as stated in the Handbook (bylaws) and who demonstrate the university’s preferred qualifications.
The president serves as the executive officer of the Board of Regents as well as the spiritual, academic, and administrative head of the institution (LCMS bylaw Compelling nominees will meet these criteria:
- An active member in good standing of an LCMS congregation;
- Faithful to the Holy Scriptures, sharing that faith and its expression in worship and service;
- Faithful to the Lutheran Confessions and firmly supportive of the LCMS constitution, bylaws, practices, and policies;
- Capable to serve ably as the Christ-centered spiritual leader of the university;
- A champion for Lutheran Christian higher education, with a clear and passionate vision for 21st century faith-based higher education;
- Experience as a senior officer of a large, complex, multi-geographical organization with many different publics or constituencies and a budget in excess of $100M;
- Possess an earned terminal degree (Ed.D., Ph.D., Th.D., or similar)
Learn more about the search process at cuw.edu/presidentialsearch.
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