Vitality is again offering a $100 stipend towards a wearable. Vitality has a variety of options from Garmin, Fitbit, and others, some of which cost nothing after the stipend.
Log in at www.powerofvitality.com and navigate to Rewards/Fitness Devices. Select the wearable you would like to purchase. When you are selecting it, choose the “Buy” option. When you get to the cart, you will have the option of applying your $100 stipend to that purchase. Remaining balances can then be paid either with points or by credit card (if you purchase a wearable that is more than $100).
This is available even if you have utilized this stipend in prior years, so it’s a great time to upgrade if you are interested!
Tax info
Please note, we are provided with redemption reports and this will be treated as a taxable gift. If you use the full $100 stipend, you will see a line item on a future check for a $100 Vitality item and you will be taxed on that $100. It’s still a great deal if it is something you are interested in, but we want to be transparent about the cost you will assume.
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