Rivera’s experience in CUW’s online program in Cross Categorical Special Education showcases how online learning can open doors for individuals with busy lives and unique challenges.

Background and Journey

Can you share a bit about your background and what inspired you to pursue a career in special education?

My husband and I took in our, now adopted daughter, through foster care when she was 7 months old. She is currently diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, and DBD. I knew I wanted better for her and to be able to better understand how her brain works and what works best for her. I began working at her school in 2021 as a special education paraprofessional and knew right away I loved what I was doing. I loved seeing the progress students I worked with made, and also was able to take what I have learned at work to better support my daughter at home. I love to learn and knew I wanted to do more with my career and decided to return to school for special education.

What motivated you to choose the online bachelor’s program for teacher licensure in Cross Categorical Special Education at Concordia University Wisconsin?

At my stage in life, I knew attending “regular college classes” would have been nearly impossible for me. I work full time, plus we have four children and two dogs at home. I needed to find a school that was flexible and also offered online courses for me. I looked into CUW and loved their philosophy and the ease of being able to apply. I was provided help along the way with amazing staff and am super grateful I found Concordia!

Program Experience

What features or aspects of the online program have been most helpful in your learning and professional development?

The online learning program is structured in a way that is very organized. All of the professors I have worked with so far have been extremely helpful, kind and understanding. I am always able to get my questions answered within a day. I also really enjoy that I can complete assignments mostly at my own pace each week. While most assignments do have due dates, I still have plenty of time to get my assignments done on time. The flexibility of the online program has made it possible for me to complete homework while I am at work, waiting for my son to finish soccer practice, or on the weekends. I was even able to complete some of my homework in other states, which I would not be able to do if I had to physically go to classes.

Can you share an example of how the program’s structure has supported your growth as a special education teacher?

Currently, I believe that I am more self-aware of how I interact with students in special education as I can use what I have learned so far to benefit the students I work with. I am able to apply what I have learned to help other staff members as well or give more input at meetings about students. The online program has many valuable tools that I have been able to save, print and use as needed.

Current Service in Schools

In what capacity are you currently serving in a school setting?

Currently, I work as a special education paraprofessional in elementary grade levels. I have worked in every grade level and last year worked in first grade and kindergarten. I worked with two students who are both diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

Dedication to Special Education

What do you find most rewarding about working with special education learners?

What I find most rewarding is seeing their progress and knowing I helped make a difference. It is so amazing to see what these students can do if you put in the time and consistent effort to help them reach their highest potential. I also love seeing how excited they get when they do see me. I can tell they truly are happy to be in school and see me as a safe and trusting person.

Advice and Insights

What advice would you give to someone considering an online program for teacher licensure in special education?

I would say “go for it!” Do not let anything hold you back. I believe God has a plan for everyone and when I started my schooling journey, I believe that was the time He picked for me to start it. Online education can seem daunting, but I have had the most rewarding experiences with it so far. Never be afraid to reach out for help or let your professors know you are struggling. They are all so kind and helpful and I have not one negative thing to say about Concordia or its professors.

How has the support from Concordia University Wisconsin, such as faculty and peer interactions, impacted your journey?

The support from faculty at Concordia has been nothing short of amazing. Everyone is super kind and helpful. I can tell the faculty also loves to get to know you and your “why” story. While most of my peer interactions are within homework assignments, I find it comforting knowing that others are also pursuing education degrees online and I am not alone. Everyone comes from all different walks of life, so I also love learning about everyone’s backstory and how they ended up at Concordia.

What do you wish you had known before starting this program that you think others would benefit from knowing?

I wish I would have known how easy the whole process was. Before I started classes, I was really anxious about it. I stressed about how I was going to manage life and school, how hard online classes would be, etc. Now, I wish I would have started sooner. Online learning lets me balance my work and home life with school much more easily than if I had to go to in-person classes. I believe that online classes are fairly simple to follow and extremely organized. I am glad that I did not wait any longer to start. I am already thinking about what I want to do once I graduate, in terms of getting a master’s degree or specializing in certain areas of special education.

Megan Rivera’s story is a testament to the power of determination, support, and flexibility in education. Her journey through Concordia University Wisconsin’s online program in Cross Categorical Special Education showcases how online learning can open doors for individuals with busy lives and unique challenges. Her passion for special education and dedication to her students is truly inspiring. For more information about the program, visit Concordia University Wisconsin’s Accelerated Special Education Program.

Dr. Adam Paape is a professor and assistant dean of the School of Education at Concordia University Wisconsin.

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Concordia University Wisconsin is a Lutheran higher education community committed to helping students develop in mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and the world.

In the School of Education, our programs focus on optimizing your abilities to serve students, schools, and the community through education. We develop well-rounded educational professionals that can teach and lead in rural and urban communities. With a Christian-centered focus, relevant curriculum, and engaging faculty you can play a meaningful role in the world of education.