Congratulations to Jacob Switzer on being named Concordia University Wisconsin's April Student of the Month.
Nursing cuw.edu/nursing
Swansea, Illinois
High School:
Cowichan Valley HS, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Extracurricular Activities:
A hockey player for four seasons, cuw.edu/hockey Switzer was again named to CUW’s Fall Honors List, and has picked up the requisite coursework to apply to medical school.
“Jake has proven to be an innately gifted scientific thinker with a deep passion for health care,” said Dr. Katherine Bichler in nominating Switzer for the distinction. “He helps other students and faculty learn through his inquisitive mind and probing questions,” added Bichler, an organics chemistry professor. “His empathy and love for patients, and drive to serve Christ through service in health care make Jake a truly deserving recipient of this award.”
The Student of the Month is awarded by the full-time faculty nine times each year.
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