Concordia University Wisconsin hires experienced school administrators to teach in its licensure programs for future school leaders.
Concordia recently announced two new licensure options for school administrators: the Director of Special Education and Pupil Service (#5080) program and a revitalized District Administrator program. Both programs aim to empower district leaders with the expertise they need to excel in their future roles as school administrators.
As part of our commitment to top-tier educational programs, Concordia is proud to hire the very best in the field. Some of our exemplary adjunct instructors include the following school administrators: Howard-Suamico School District Administrator Damian LaCroix, Assistant Superintendent of Appleton schools Nan Bunnow, and Kevin Steinhilber, who retired in 2019 as Chief Assessment and Accountability Office with the Appleton School District.
Today we highlight another one of our exemplary adjunct instructors, Keith A Kriewaldt, EdD.
Exemplary adjuncts—Keith A Kriewaldt, EdD

Keith A. Kriewaldt, EdD, is an adjunct instructor in both Concordia’s District Administrator program and Educational Administration program. Dr. Kriewaldt brings a wealth of experience to Concordia’s graduate-level classes. His expertise lies particularly in the fields of ethical leadership, learning, and service. His contributions to CUW’s School of Education graduate education department have left an indelible mark.
Dr. Kriewaldt’s professional journey spans across various educational roles. His career includes a remarkable 32 years of experience as a classroom teacher, building principal, teacher and administrator mentor, evaluator, policy strategist, and strategic planner. Moreover, he held significant leadership positions, such as serving as the district administrator with business manager responsibilities in the Erin School District for an impressive 15 years. Additionally, he served as the Director of Elementary Education for 12 years. He also was a board member for the Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators for 7 years.
A solid educational program combined with real-world experience
As Dr. Kriewaldt eloquently states, “The District Administrator is the heart of the leadership team.” Indeed, the role of a district administrator is pivotal. Success in this role hinges on having a strong foundation in the principles of effective leadership. In the ever-changing educational landscape, the knowledge and skills required for this role are more crucial than ever.
Dr. Kriewaldt’s unwavering belief in the value of experiential learning is evident in his teaching philosophy. “The best learning is on-the job experience,” he says. However, to complement this invaluable real-world experience, he highlights the significance of a solid educational program, such as the one offered by CUW’s District Administrator Program. This program not only enhances learning but also channels these experiences in the right direction for aspiring leaders.
In CUW’s District Administration Program, students are encouraged to engage with real-life situations and explore strategies to confront the challenges they may encounter in their roles as educational leaders. Working together in small learning groups, students analyze options and deliberate on the best courses of action. This collaborative approach fosters a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of educational leadership.
Mentoring future school leaders
One of the most rewarding aspects of Dr. Kriewaldt’s role as an instructor is mentoring future leaders. He finds it truly refreshing to witness new leaders honing their skills within the safe and nurturing environment of the classroom. The vibrant debates and discussions among students as they explore various leadership options serve as a testament to their individual growth and development in areas of focus.
In the dynamic field of education, having mentors like Dr. Kriewaldt provides invaluable guidance and support for aspiring leaders. Their wisdom and expertise, combined with educational programs like CUW’s District Administration Program, pave the way for a new generation of ethical and effective educational leaders who are ready to tackle the challenges of today’s educational landscape.
Want in?
As Concordia strives to meet the evolving needs of district administrators, we believe that our new district administrator programs will play a vital role in elevating the quality of education across districts. We invite you to explore these programs, and we are confident that they will empower you to lead with excellence.
If you need further information about these programs, please do not hesitate to reach out to our admissions team. We are excited to embark on this educational journey with you. We look forward to helping you achieve your professional goals.
—This article is written by Chris Scudella, PhD. She serves as an assistant professor and director of Graduate Education Administration at CUW.