You did it, folks! You finished finals week!

With that major accomplishment comes an assortment of emotions, depending on the individual. Check out the gifs below to see which one best described your mood when you finally reached the finish line.

1. Massive relief

That’s it, breathe out…

2. Cool confidence

“Yeah, I pretty much nailed that one!”

3. Uncertainty

When everyone asks you how you did and you have no idea…

4. A sense of doom

Because someone mentioned there was a back side you didn’t see…

5. Impatience

When you’re refreshing Blackboard every 5 minutes to see if your teacher has posted your grade yet…

6. Pleasant surprise

“That was a lot easier than I thought it would be!”

7. Or the exact opposite

“No one mentioned that would be on there!”

8. Inability to self-regulate your emotions

Whether it’s from the lack of sleep or the combustion of euphoria, guilt, and sadness over the semester being done…

9. Giddy excitement

Praise Jesus, you’re done!

— Madelyne Arrigoni is a senior studying English, Mass Communications, and Photography. She plans to graduate in 2022.

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