Are you considering a career in diagnostic medical sonography?
Catching up with our diagnostic medical sonography alumni
Diagnostic medical sonography (DMS) is a multi-specialty profession which utilizes high frequency sound waves to image the human body. You’ve probably heard sonograms being referred to as ultrasound exams. The terms are slightly different, though. The term ultrasound refers to the tool that takes an image, and the image is called a sonogram. Sonography is the method that is used to take the sonogram, or image.
Concordia University Wisconsin offers a bachelor’s degree in DMS. Some of our recent graduates shared about their experience in our program. Keep reading to find out more about what our program is actually like.
Renee Schauer (Diagnostic Medical Sonography Class of 2019)
What was the program like for you?
Going through the diagnostic medical sonography program was not an easy feat. It certainly would not have been possible without the incredible faculty. They truly care about the success of the students that pass through their program. They really made the environment feel like it was not about the success of the program, it was the success of each individual student that they cared about.
Why did you choose Concordia’s DMS program?
I chose Concordia because it was smaller than surrounding state schools. I definitely had more opportunities than I would have in a larger environment. There were times that I struggled with coursework. The professors were right there to help me to understand, offer more resources, and check in to make sure everything was going well.
Did Concordia prepare you for your work as a diagnostic medical sonographer?
I passed every board with flying colors on the first go around. Fortunately, I was hired for my dream job months before I graduated, and I credit that largely to the education that I received at CUW. I felt so prepared after the program and even as the youngest in my department, I can still sometimes answer questions that no one has the answer to because I learned it from the incredible educators at CUW.
Would you recommend Concordia’s DMS program?
Yes, I would highly recommend Concordia University – Wisconsin’s Diagnostic Medical Sonography program to anyone interested in a sonography career. I can’t imagine receiving a better education than I did there, and I am so thankful for the decision that I made. I cannot say enough good things about this program, and if I ever had to go back, CUW would be the place that I choose.
Anna Depies (Diagnostic Medical Sonography Class of 2020)
As a recent graduate from Concordia’s DMS program, I can attest to the quality of the program and its ability to prepare students for success in the professional field. I was one of 6 students that had a job offer before graduation. Employers recognize that Concordia graduates are professionally and personally well prepared for the demands of a career in ultrasonography.
What sets Concordia’s program apart from others?
Concordia’s DMS program is unique in the fact that it not only prepares students with the knowledge necessary to be a sonographer, it also prepares students to be hard working, thoughtful and caring people. My employer shared with me that, when hiring, he looks for sonographers who are well-prepared, but who also care about patients, because that is not something he can instill in his employees. Graduates from Concordia’s DMS program embody the compassion, faith and sense of service that makes them stand out and sought-after by employers.
Were your professors helpful to you?
Student success in Concordia’s DMS program is directly attributed to the quality and devotion of the program’s professors. Each professor has a wealth of knowledge, and is also passionate about ultrasound. They work diligently to ensure a complete education, hands-on experiences, and support for students. These professors make themselves available day and night to ensure each student is successful while in the program, after graduation, and on the job.
Haley Jorgensen (Diagnostic Medical Sonography Class of 2020)
Looking back, what stands out to you about Concordia’s program?
I was a 2020 graduate of the CUW DMS program. Choosing this program was one of the wisest decisions I have made. I was truly blessed to have been accepted into this particular program. The most outstanding and unique feature of Concordia’s DMS program is the faculty and their commitment to the students’ success.
Whether I desired more study resources or additional scanning time outside of class time, my instructors were more than accommodating. If I were to tell an incoming student what was at the core of this program, I would say that you are not just a number. Your instructors will invest all their effort and knowledge to help you become the best possible contribution to the ultrasound community that you can be.
"After working in the field for a few years now, I realize that my decision to enroll in this program really set me up for success." -Hope Rehlinger (Diagnostic Medical Sonography Class of 2020)
Deborah Gibbs (Diagnostic Medical Sonography Class of 2020)
What was your experience like in Concordia’s DMS program?
Concordia University Wisconsin’s DMS program provided me with every tool I needed to succeed. I was blessed with the professors that had the clinical experience and teaching knowledge to help make the process of learning run smooth. They would always say, “trust the process”, meaning through the rigorous, yet achievable courses, you’d find it becoming easier.
They taught the content in an order that helped the material solidify. We had been given tool after tool to help retain content, as each student may learn differently. The clinical expectations were designed to push us just the right amount. Pushed us so much that we knew we had to put in the extra work, but not pushed so far that we became discouraged or felt unprepared. The clinical sites had a wide range of sonographers with one year of experience to over 40. I became a well-rounded and successful sonographer through the CUW DMS program.
Hope Rehlinger (Diagnostic Medical Sonography Class of 2020)
Why did you choose Concordia’s DMS program?
Diagnostic Medical Sonography is a rapidly growing career, which creates an increasingly competitive education. Concordia University’s Accredited Ultrasound Program sets students apart by realistically challenging each student to excel both academically and clinically.
How has your choice to enroll in Concordia’s program impacted you?
Lisa Reimer and Amanda Stippich work tirelessly to encourage students when things may seem tough. After working in the field for a few years now, I realize that my decision to enroll in this program really set me up for success. In addition to academics and scanning, Lisa and Amanda give you all the tools needed to set you apart from other graduates. I would strongly recommend this program to anyone who may be interested in this career path!
Feeling inspired?
Are you feeling ready to pursue the next step in earning your degree in diagnostic medical sonography? You can visit us here for more information.
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