Dead Sea ScrollsDead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit will attract thousands of people when it opens on January 22 at the Milwaukee Public Museum. Dr. Nathan Jastram, head of the Theology Department at Concordia University Wisconsin has a special connection to the Scrolls. He was one of the few scholars in the world to work directly with the Scrolls and to publish a first edition of their contents. Video of Dr. Jastram’s Dead Sea Scrolls Presentation at CUW.

The exhibit explores the archaeological history of the Holy Land through the Scrolls and other biblical artifacts which have shaped the beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Dr. Jastram is considered an expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls and frequently lectures and writes on the subject matter.

“Many years ago, I worked with the Dead Sea Scrolls in Jerusalem, piecing together fragments of the book of Numbers from Cave 4. On February 5 and 6, it will be a great pleasure to introduce the Milwaukee Public Museum’s exhibit of the Scrolls and other archaeological objects to many people in the area, and to discuss how they contribute to our knowledge of the Bible,” said Dr. Jastram.

The Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit runs through June 3, 2010. For more information about the exhibit, including dates and prices, log onto

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