Concordia’s School of Health Professions hosted an alumni and community engagement event aimed at assessing the physical health and care needs of Ozaukee County and beyond.
Tonight’s “Creating Community Collaborations” event not only gave School of Health Professions faculty a chance to showcase Concordia’s new Interprofessional Clinic; it also provided faculty and staff with an opportunity engage participants in focus group discussions to determine if there are unmet needs in the community that Concordia can play a role in addressing.
Already Concordia students, under the supervision of licensed professionals, provide quality health and social care services to dozens of community clients on an ongoing basis. These services include the decades-running Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy Community Clinics. Various other School of Health Professions programs have plans to utilize the space as well.
Concordia looks to supplement the services clients may receive at health care systems throughout the state. The CUW operation places a special focus on serving the underserved through free or reduced-price services.
If you were unable to attend the event but would like to share your thoughts on unmet needs in the community, please click on the link below.
Want in?
The School of Health Professions at CUW offers a range of professional programs and degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. Whether you pursue your education through online instruction or through classroom learning, you can expect a distinctive learning environment that will prepare you for a career marked by excellence, compassion, and service. Health Professions undergraduate students also participate in the Concordia Core, a rigorous, liberal arts curriculum integrated with Lutheran distinctives.