Because of our efforts to be COVID conscious, campus is looking quite different these days. Our comfort dogs, however, are still roaming the halls, spreading joy and offering students consolation in these uncertain times.
While Sage and Zoey are still on duty as per usual, we have new guidelines for how students and staff should interact with our furry friends. Here are the four simple steps to safely interact with our campus comfort dogs:
Step 1: Put on a mask and show your symptom tracker
Per campus guidelines, students should always have their masks on while in public spaces. Our comfort dog handlers also need to see your symptom tracker to be sure it is responsible for you to approach the dog.
Step 2: Sanitize your hands
Because so many students will be interacting with the dogs, it is important that we clean our hands before petting Sage or Zoey. Sanitizing your hands is an easy step that can go a long way.
Step 3: Enjoy some quality time with your favorite four-legged friend
While someone is petting the comfort dog it is important that others stay six feet away. Our handlers will also keep this physical distancing barrier. Other than that, your time with Sage or Zoey should be just as wonderful as usual!
Step 4: Sanitize again
Sage and Zoey want everyone to stay safe, and frequent sanitizing is one of the best ways to ensure we are not spreading germs.
— Madelyne Arrigoni is a senior studying English, Mass Communications, and Photography. She plans to graduate in 2022.
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