
Are you passionate about education and your Christian faith? Do you aspire to inspire young minds with the love of God while providing them with a top-notch education?

If so, let us introduce you to two remarkable individuals, Mara and Holly. Their dream is to become teachers in Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) schools. They’re pursuing this dream through Concordia’s online Elementary Education program and the Lutheran Teacher Diploma. Mara and Holly’s stories are a testament to the transformative power of faith and education combined.

Mara’s Inspiring Journey


As Mara begins her student teaching experience in a Lutheran school, she has a unique opportunity to apply her deep love for the Lord in her classroom. She finds joy and honor in teaching the 2nd-grade religion class, a special time where faith and education intertwine.

Despite following a structured curriculum, she infuses her lessons with meaningful discussions about Jesus, encouraging her students to apply biblical truths to their lives today. This beautiful example demonstrates how faith can seamlessly integrate into the learning process.

Dedication and the support of Concordia’s online Elementary Education program paved Mara’s path to becoming a Lutheran school teacher. She highlights the program’s flexibility, allowing her to tailor her studies to fit her schedule. With a clear eight-week course structure, Mara can efficiently plan her studies, even working ahead when possible. The convenience of online learning has been a game-changer in her educational journey.

A big part of her experience was getting to do her student teaching at her church school. This connection to her roots and faith community has provided her with a profound sense of fulfillment. She learned a lot from the program. She believes her success is thanks to the great instructors, who are always there to help. At CUW, she discovered a community that shares her passion for Christian education.

Mara’s calling to serve as a Lutheran school teacher stems from her desire to teach about Jesus. She firmly believes that instilling a deep understanding of Christ and His teachings is paramount for the next generation.

Her daughter’s school, closely connected to their church, exemplifies the supportive and multigenerational atmosphere that drew her to this path. In the words of Mara, “God was calling me there.”

Holly’s Dedication to Christian Education


Holly’s student teaching at Renaissance Lutheran Elementary School in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, shows her strong commitment to Christian education. She is deeply dedicated to teaching God’s Word, both in and out of the classroom. Her resume includes teaching Sunday school, helping with Vacation Bible school, and even teaching Summer School. Holly firmly believes that she should interweave faith into every subject she teaches, and her commitment greatly benefits her students.

Concordia’s Elementary Education program has played a pivotal role in shaping Holly’s path. Despite facing difficulties, like moving while studying, Holly appreciates the program’s faculty and staff for their constant support. Her peers and mentors have been instrumental in helping her overcome obstacles and maintain a strong GPA.

Holly’s profound belief that every child is “beautifully made by God their Father” sets her on the path to serve as a teacher in a Lutheran school. She emphasizes the importance of teaching children reading, writing, and arithmetic and that God loves them unconditionally. In an era where public schools often face limitations in conveying faith-based values, Holly’s mission is clear: to prepare God’s children with a strong foundation in Christian values.

Her choice to become a Lutheran school teacher aligns with Proverbs 22:6: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Holly is determined to instill these values in her students, helping them understand that God created the universe, continues to maintain it, and rules over all He has made.

For those considering the online Lutheran Teacher Diploma route for teacher licensure, Holly passionately recommends Concordia University Wisconsin. She praises the program’s flexibility, allowing her to balance her studies with an active life. Overall, she emphasizes the program’s focus on growing as a Christian family, independence, and preparing teachers for Lutheran education’s unique demands.

Want to start your journey?

Mara and Holly’s journeys exemplify the transformative power of faith, education, and dedication. Their unwavering commitment to teaching God’s Word and shaping young lives is an inspiration to us all.

Whether considering a career in Lutheran education or seeking a program that aligns with your faith-driven educational goals, our online Elementary Education program and the Lutheran Teacher Diploma offer a unique blend of flexibility, support, and Christian education. Mara and Holly’s stories prove that when you combine a passion for teaching with a deep love for the Lord, you can profoundly impact students’ lives, nurturing their minds and souls in the process.