One of the more iconic spaces on the Concordia University Wisconsin campus has received a makeover thanks to the efforts of the Student Government Association.

The “flag hallway,” which connects lower Rincker to The Nest, now features updated flags encased in protective frames that are labeled with the representative country. Gone are the ripped and torn banners that had been known to “attack” passersby with even the slightest rush of wind.

On Wednesday afternoon, SGA held a ceremonial flag reveal and invited the student body to see the updated display. There are now a total of 64 flags in the hallway—one for every country that has ever been represented among CUW’s student body.
“It’s the most memorable hallway on tours. People are always quick to recall this hallway,” SGA’s Academic Affairs Committee Chair Karly Baldwin said on Wednesday, “so we wanted to leave our university with something good, something that would serve as an improvement to an already appreciated space.”
The flags have graced the space for about two decades. In recent months, SGA added/replaced a total of 16 flags and utilized SGA funds to purchase cases for all of them. They also worked closely with Executive Director of International Education Dr. David Birner to inventory and update the display.
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The hallway is intended to represent the international reach of Concordia University.
“This is a very special hallway because when you walk by these flags, you walk by the representation of your classmates,” Birner told students who gathered Wednesday afternoon. “You start to get a glimpse of what it will look like as more and more Concordians rise into positions around the world, spreading the mission and values of the university globally.”
Concordia currently has 360 international students from more than 30 different countries enrolled. Stay in touch with the Concordia International Center on Facebook or learn more by visiting cuw.edu/international.
— This story is written by Kali Thiel, director of university communications for Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. She may be reached at kali.thiel@cuw.edu or 262-243-2149.
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