Plans to build a $3.5 million dollar stadium on Concordia's Mequon campus gained unanimous approval from the Common Council on June 8. The initiative, which will allow Concordia’s men’s baseball team to play its games on campus, will also allow for a Wooden Bat League team which features Div. I - III collegiate players. Currently there are Wooden Bat League teams as close as Madison and Green Bay.
“This is quite a coup that we could get this stadium built in Mequon,” said Mequon Mayor Curt Gielow. Gielow also noted that Fond du Lac has been trying to land a Wooden Bat League team for years to no avail.
Lead owner of the yet to be named franchise will be James Kacmarcik, president of Kapco Metal Stampings Inc. in Grafton, who has pledged $1 million to the project. An additional $2.5 million needs to be raised in the hopes of beginning play next spring.
“This would be a great opportunity for the Milwaukee Brewers to scout major league talent right in its own backyard,” said Gielow.
Currently, 65 former Wooden Bat League players are on MLB rosters. This stadium would give players an additional venue to showcase their talents in addition to giving college students marketing, athletic training, and athletic internships. The new stadium will have a capacity of up to 2,000, has lights, a press box, and a public address system.
— This story is written by Kali Thiel, director of university communications for Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. She may be reached at kali.thiel@cuw.edu or 262-243-2149.
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