Join us in the Chapel of Christ Triumphant for daily Chapel services, Monday-Friday at 9:30 a.m.
Schedule subject to change. In-person attendance is always encouraged, but Chapel services can also be livestreamed HERE.
Monday, Aug. 28 Preacher: Erik Ankerberg | Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 42:5 | LSB 861 | Combined with CUAA
Tuesday, Aug. 29 Preacher: Steve Smith | Psalm 138 | LSB 703
Wednesday, Aug. 30 Preacher: Dan Paavola | Romans 11:33-12:8 | Haven Musicians
Thursday, Aug. 31 Matins | Leader: Steve Smith | Isaiah 51:1-6 | Hymn LSB 648
Friday, Sept. 1 Preacher: Steve Smith | Matthew 16:13-20 | LSB 645 | CMLT Installation
Monday, Sept. 4 Labor Day: No Classes; No Chapel
Tuesday, Sept. 5 Matins | Leader: Steve Smith | Psalm 26 | Hymn: LSB 701
Wednesday, Sept. 6 Preacher: Kurt Taylor | Romans 19:9-21 | LSB 696
Thursday, Sept. 7 Preacher: Michael Uden | Matthew 16:21-28 | LSB 647
Friday, Sept. 8 Preacher: Steve Smith | Jeremiah 15:15-21 | Printed Hymn | Sophomore Nursing Dedication
Monday, Sept. 11 Preacher: Brian German | Psalm 32:1-7 | LSB 568
Tuesday, Sept. 12 Matins | Leader: Steve Smith | Romans 13:1-10 | Hymn: LSB 966; Te Deum LSB 941
Wednesday, Sept. 13 Preacher: Roy Peterson | Matthew 18:1-20| Haven Musicians
Thursday, Sept. 14 | Preacher: Aaron Moldenhauer | 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 | LSB 455
Friday, Sept. 15 Preacher: Jastram | Ezekiel 33:7-9 | LSB 839 | Chapel Choir
Monday, Sept. 18 Matins | Leader: Steve Smith | Psalm 103:1-12 | LSB 558
Tuesday, Sept. 19 Preacher: Jason Soenksen | Genesis 50:15-21 | LSB 843
Wednesday, Sept. 20 Preacher: Steve Smith | Matthew 18:21- 35 | Haven Musicians
Thursday, Sept. 21 | Preacher: Harald Tomesch | Matthew 9:9-13 | LSB 559 | St. Matthew
Friday, Sept. 22 | No Classes; No Chapel
Inauguration Week
Monday, Sept. 25 Preacher: Juhl (guest) | Leader: Jason Lane | Psalm 27 | LSB 713
Tuesday, Sept. 26 | Preacher: Henrichs (guest) | Leader: Jason Lane | Colossians 1:15-20 | Hymn: LSB 538
Wednesday, Sept. 27 Preacher: Berg (guest) | Leader: Jason Lane | Hosea 14:1-9 | LSB 536
Thursday, Sept. 28 | Preacher: Nuckols (guest) | Leader: Jason Lane | 1 John 4:1-16 | LSB 768
Friday, Sept. 29 Preacher: Bayens (guest) | Leader: Jason Lane | Matthew 18:1-11 | LSB 716 | Chapel Choir
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