A Celebration Service on Sunday, February 25 will honor 25 years of Christ-centered caring and sharing by A Place of Refuge in Milwaukee. The 3:30 p.m. service will be held in the Chapel of the Christ Triumphant on the university’s main campus, 12800 North Lake Shore Drive.
A served dinner and short program will immediately follow in the Friends of Concordia Room at 5 p.m., with tickets costing $15 per person. “It’s exciting to see our students reach out to partner in this celebration,” said Darcy Paape, campus ministry advisor and director of Concordia University’s Women’s Leadership Institute. A Place of Refuge, which provides a nurturing environment for young mothers and their children, will be teaming up with Concordia’s Students for Life organization, and student leaders will serve as guides and ushers.
Founded in 1993, A Place of Refuge encourages women to make positive changes in their lives. The Rev. John Wille, longtime president of the South Wisconsin District, will officiate at the service. Concordia’s Campus Pastor, The Rev. Steve Smith, will lector, while The Rev. David Paape, Chairman of the Board of A Place for Refuge, will moderate the dinner.
For further details or to register for the dinner, visit www.aplaceofrefuge.org.
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