This week, CUW alumni at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne received their calls or vicarage placements.
Second-year seminary students receive vicarage and internship assignments while fourth-year students receive their first calls to serve as pastors and deaconesses in Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod congregations throughout the country.
We congratulate and celebrate our most recent crop of Concordia University Wisconsin alumni who received their placements and calls this week. We pray the Lord’s blessings on their ministry work ahead.
Those who received vicarage assignments:
Ethan Boester – Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Iowa City, Iowa
Daniel Brummet – Saint Stephens Lutheran Church in Hickory, North Carolina
Christopher Dhuse – Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Green Bay, Wisconsin
Michael Ewert – Saint Paul Lutheran Church in Saint Joseph, Michigan
Preus Hasselbrook – Memorial Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas
Matthew Machemer – Martini Lutheran Church and Saint Paul Lutheran Church in New Haven, Indiana
Those who learned of their pastoral calls:
Joshua Benish – Church planter within the LCMS South Wisconsin District
Jarod Fenske – Peace Lutheran Church in Antigo, Wisconsin
Oliver LaMie – Saint Peters Lutheran Church in Prairietown, Illinois
Hayden Lukas – Saint Martin Lutheran Church in Clintonville, Wisconsin
Daniel Reh – Trinity Lutheran Church in Mequon, Wisconsin
Mark Zieroth – Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Dubuque, Iowa and Saint Matthew Lutheran Church in Sherrill, Iowa
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The good work of preparing future leaders for the Church continues at CUW today. We invite you to explore whether God is calling you to join the ranks of Concordia alumni who serve Christ as church workers throughout the world.