The Beautiful Feet Conference wrapped up this Saturday with a dance party and bonfire to celebrate a weekend of learning and growing as one Concordia family.
Beautiful Feet is a Campus Ministry team that focuses on Missions and Friendship Evangelism. Our CUW branch is headed by Leah Federwitz and Allison Kochheiser. There is a Beautiful Feet group on almost every Concordia University campus in the United States, and they gather once a year for their annual mission conference. This year’s conference was held on our campus and included worship, breakout speakers, exhibitors, service projects, and small group time. It was during small group time that students were divided into groups of 10 that were intermixed with students from all the Concordias present. This time was meant for students to reflect on the conference, debrief what they’d learned and experienced, and meet new people from other parts of the country. Concordia Wisconsin students lead the small groups and facilitated discussions throughout the weekend.
Small group leaders described their experience as rewarding, fun, and enlightening. They loved meeting people from other Concordias. Small group time was situated at the end of the day, and structured for students to unwind and relax while reflecting on their experiences. Some leaders reported that they received a plethora of “Wisconsin questions” from curious students that are used to a southern climate. Along with discussing the day’s adventures, small groups were tasked with praying for missionaries. The purpose of the Beautiful Feet Conference is to inform and equip future missionaries and evangelists to do God-glorifying work in the world.
Everyone is attendance practiced this on Friday morning with a service project in Milwaukee. The group who went to the Soles for Jesus packing and distribution center said it was super fun to hang out and serve Jesus at the same time. Each evening was wrapped up with a chapel service and music from one of our Haven bands. President Ferry shared a message on Thursday night and Allison Kocheiser, one of our Beautiful Feet coordinators, spoke on Friday night.
Throughout Saturday, students could choose from a variety of breakout sessions lead by leaders in evangelism and missions as well as students with firsthand experience in those fields. Participants in this event commented on how fun it was to have so many students on campus despite the chaos in the caf. CUW was filled with students on fire for evangelism and excited about the opportunities to serve the Lord.
Small group leader Annika Schumerth reflected on the weekend, “You never know how greatly God can work. He can make a difference through the smallest things.”
— Madelyne Arrigoni is a senior studying English, Mass Communications, and Photography. She plans to graduate in 2022.
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