Concordia University Wisconsin's Fine Arts Gallery will host the Wisconsin Art Education Association's (WAEA) Major Meetup Juried Exhibition for educators and their students Monday, October 21-Sunday, December 15.
An Opening Reception for Concordia’s first-ever juried show will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday November 7. Two other exhibits will run concurrently in adjacent galleries – illustrations by Taylor Rystrom, Jordan Rittmann and Kristen Schueffner in the Student Gallery, along with works by Taylor Oestreich in the 14 Frames Gallery. Included in Oestreich’s show will be several illustrations she has created for the New York Yankees and Cincinnati Bengals as part of her Fox Hammer internship, including one of former Milwaukee Brewers’ pitcher CC Sabathia.
“The juried show is a one-of-a-kind exhibit we’ve never done here before,” said Gallery Director Dr. Theresa Kenney, who also serves as WAEA Awards Chairman. “This show really portrays the impact teachers have on their students as mentors, and highlights their craftsmanship,” Kenney added. In many cases, professors and students will be exhibiting works that have been created within the past three years together.
Located in Rincker Hall, 12800 North Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, the art gallery is free. Hours are Monday-Thursday from 4-8 p.m., and Friday and Saturday from 12-4 p.m. One of the gallery’s main goals since its inception nearly 30 years ago is to encourage the appreciation and understanding of art and its role in society.
For more information, contact Kenney via e-mail at theresa.kenney@cuw.edu.
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