“The freshman fifteen” is a phrase every new college student knows. The prospect of being able to eat as much as you please with one meal swipe in the caf, or not having to wake up until noon for a one o’clock class is exciting to some and terrifying to others. All of the freedom that comes with being in college is definitely difficult to handle at first, and some learn to juggle it better than others.
Thankfully, there’s help along the way. At Concordia, students not only learn how to keep off those extra pounds, but how to live a life that’s wholly healthy—in mind, body, and spirit, as Concordia’s mission statement puts it. The Concordia community is devoted to helping students start and maintain healthy habits that will aid us during our time on campus and long after we graduate. Here are just a few of the ways Concordia accomplishes this.
1. Expert faculty members freely share their knowledge and routinely involve students in their research efforts.
At Concordia, you can expect to learn from professors who are experts in their respective fields. Many continue to hone their craft and contribute to their fields of study through research and educational outreach efforts, some with the support of grant funding. It is not uncommon for professors to involve students in their work, encouraging critical thinking, diligent research, and dedication to accuracy.
2. Above-average pass rates are a testament to the caliber of educational offerings.
Concordians achieve impressive academic feats of their own. Students routinely achieve above-average pass rates on national exams. Most recently, our OT, PT, and PA programs all achieved a 100 percent first-time pass rate on their national certification exams. Students are encouraged to dig deep and be inquisitive in their studies in order to discover the truth in everything they do. Our academic successes communicate a campus-wide diligence to progress.
3. Adjunct professors at the pinnacle of their careers offer real-world insights.
If there is one common thread among our adjunct faculty it is a passion for Concordia’s mission. It’s part of the reason why individuals like WTMJ4’s Mark Baden and Ozaukee County Sheriff Jim Johnson return to Concordia year after year to share their expertise with Concordia students. When you learn from practicing professionals in the field, you also gain connections that can catapult you to the next step in your professional journey.
4. Students can receive funding from Concordia to pursue research projects within their passion areas.
Concordia’s Undergraduate Research Program aims to promote a culture of research and scholarship throughout the university by assisting students in finding, conducting, and presenting research at the undergraduate level. There’s currently a group of students with UGR funding under their belts. Read more about their efforts here.
5. No matter where you’re at on campus, there’s a healthy eating choice.
From the caf to the Nest to the Landing, students have a diverse variety of food options throughout the day. Each location has its own variety of healthy opportunities, so no matter where students choose to eat, there are always wholesome, fresh options. In the caf there is the Simple Servings line, the Farmer’s Fridge is down in the Landing, and the Nest has the salad line. With all these options readily available, it is ultimately up to each student to make the choice to fuel their bodies with nutritious foods.
6. Healthy club options abound.
Eating healthy meals is just one part of a two-step process. There is no shortage of opportunities to combine your healthy eating with exercise here at Concordia, and meet a few friends while doing it. You could join Concordia’s intercollegiate Ultimate Frisbee team, for example, or a plethora of clubs focused on fitness, such as the lifting and fitness club, the running club, and the spikeball club.
7. The bluff offers an excellent exercise opportunity with a view.
One of our trademarks, the beautiful bluff, is perhaps the most scenic way to get some exercise on campus. Located on the shore of Lake Michigan, the bluff is used at all hours of the day, weather allowing, by CUW students and community members alike. The winding path and direct stairs invite a bluff-goers to personalize their workout, getting from top to bottom however they please.
8. Concordia offers a total of 30 varsity-level athletic teams.
With so many DIII teams, it’s no surprise that more than half of the CUW undergraduate population is involved athletics. Involvement in our athletics program promises intentional, personalized care for every student. Our wonderful facilities allow our athletes to play and practice year-round. Fitting and Tomansi field, the Catalyst Center, and our field house provide any student with a space to train in any weather and with any talent level.
9. Emotional comfort and support is provided regularly by man’s best friend.
Concordia’s well-known and beloved comfort dog, Zoey, got a partner in crime this year. Sage has joined her in providing students with a fluffy friend and source of emotional relief in the whirlwind that is college. As part of her responsibilities, Zoey also regularly helps out in the counseling center and serves as a therapeutic presence during counseling sessions. Our counseling center is a wonderful means of support for students, and all its assortment of services are free and confidential.
10. Worship is part of the fabric of Concordia.
With Chapel, Compline, Haven, and church services on campus, there are opportunities for students to worship every day. Chapel is a 20-minute gathering at 9:30 a.m. each weekday that includes a speaker and a hymn. Attendees are also treated to special music by the Haven band and the Chapel Choir on select Wednesdays and Fridays. Compline is similar to Chapel, but 12 hours later. Every weekday evening students can gather to sing and join in fellowship with one another. On Sundays we have traditional church services with rotating pastors. Sunday evenings we have Haven, a contemporary student-led gathering of songs and fellowship where students gather to sing, pray, and inquire about their faith together, with different speakers each week.
11. Campus Ministry seeks the lost, strengthens the saved, and nurtures Christian leaders.
Campus ministry offers a wide variety of groups and opportunities to get students involved with service and fellowship. We have groups specifically geared toward men and women, respectively, joining together to encourage each other. LIGHT (Ladies in God’s Hands Together) and BUILD (Brothers United in Life and Devotion) meet throughout the year with retreats and activities to cultivate a community of faith and devotion to God’s word.
12. Students show Christian love to others by engaging in large- and small-scale service efforts.
Here at CUW we have ample opportunities to engage students in service learning for the benefit of our community and beyond. Nearly every department or facet on campus has a wide variety of outreach programs and opportunities to serve. In fact, we love serving others so much we dedicate an entire week each spring to that sole purpose. This year, Concordia’s Week of Service will take place April 15-21. In its third year, the event will include fun events that will provide students with an opportunity to get involved and give back to those who need it most. Some highlights of the week will be an indoor soccer tournament to benefit pediatric cancer research, a shoeless service at The Haven, sandwich making for The Guest House, and sorting food at Feeding America.
13. There’s always plenty of opportunities to j chill.
Furthermore, it is important for students to take time for themselves and relax. College life is hectic and exhausting, and without a break every once in a while, it’s easy to get burnt out. Studying, going to class, and being responsible are all important, but we also have to take time to just be kids as well. By taking a break and not focusing on tests and assignments and projects, students can “recharge” and restore their spirits.
— Madelyne Arrigoni is a senior studying English, Mass Communications, and Photography. She plans to graduate in 2022.
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