When choosing a college, many students today are looking for a specific program, from an institution with credibility and strong outcomes. Others might look for an established campus in a beautiful and safe area. Considering a private-college typically means a faith-based, well-rounded approach to education is a priority. Well, at Lutheran universities, you can have it all, but what does this mean for Concordia University’s Wisconsin & Ann Arbor campuses?
First, let’s define what Lutheranism means to us.
Lutheranism: what does this mean?
Rev. Dr. Ted Hopkins is the Program Director for the Pre-Seminary and Family Life Ministry programs at Concordia University Ann Arbor. He also serves as Associate Professor of Theology.
Hopkins suggests a framework that might help when trying to understand Lutheranism. “Lutheranism is all about justification. Justification focuses on Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection to save all people from sin. Jesus is at the center of Lutheranism.” Lutherans trust that Jesus has saved sinners, all people, by his work alone.
Jesus gives this gift of salvation through the Holy Spirit by the sacraments, baptism and Holy Communion, and by preaching and teaching the good news of salvation in Jesus. Lutherans also affirm the importance of unity with the Church of all time, especially in the creeds since those teachings help us focus on Jesus, the Son of the eternal Father.
Now, Concordia University and other Lutheran universities, live out their Lutheran-confession through a number of central concepts built into the campus experience.
Lutheran universities have strong faith community
Community is vital for all members of a higher education institution. From students and staff to community members and families, Lutheran universities like Concordia aim to connect all those who are involved with their campus. At a Lutheran college, you will find smaller class sizes where professors serve as mentors to their cherished students.
Also, we place an emphasis on family and relationships that makes its way into every classroom. Being on a Lutheran campus will give you the opportunity to connect with like-minded students and staff who will help you to grow in your faith.
Lutheran universities have faith-filled education
Lutheran universities are also committed to educating the whole person. At Concordia, we put the Lord before all else, including our academics, using our common faith to guide us through challenging and practical content in our courses. We have weave ethics and personal values into our academics, as well. Because of this, you will have the opportunity to pursue Christian coursework and majors to move your faith into all aspects of your life.
Is church work in your future? We are proud to offer programs for those interested in professional ministry.
Also, because Concordia University has such a focus on community, as a student you are more likely to receive scholarships based on academics, extracurriculars, and other factors of merit than a student attending a prominent public college. For example, Concordia offers an audition based music scholarship, as well as athletic talent awards. We also offer a number of scholarships that are open to any student that qualifies.
Lutheran universities are built with faith in mind – literally
Another wonderful aspect about being at a Lutheran university is the ability to worship on campus. Many Lutheran colleges have chapels or other locations on-site so that students, faculty, and staff may attend church services together. At Concordia, students participate in the services offered, as well as volunteer in other ways on campus. They even lead in prayer before or during school related activities such as athletics, concerts, or club meetings.
Students may be involved in musical groups that perform not only in on-campus locations, but other places of worship nearby, like CUW’s choral ensembles. Actually, students at Lutheran colleges are more likely to participate in all of those activities and more. Here at Concordia, we promote learning abroad as well as service and missionary work, which helps our students to develop a global mindset which they can apply to their future vocations. We also have a robust, student-led Campus Ministry Leadership Team that encourages students to engage in Christian fellowship regularly.
What’s Next
Want to learn more about the opportunities Concordia can offer you?
We praise God for the success of our alumni. Below you’ll find just a few examples of what you could experience:
- Alumni that received their vicarage assignments
- Two graduates serving the community with communication degrees
- Learn how Pharmacy alumna Alysa Baumann was appointed to the ASHP
To learn more about our Lutheran Christian identity here at Concordia, visit us here.
This blog was originally published on November 23, 2021. It has been updated to reflect current information.