Go for the gold

Week 31

With the summer heat comes an increased risk of dehydration. You may have received a challenge from Vitality already, but regardless if you entered their sponsored challenge, you can set a goal in Vitality to track your hydration levels! Go to goals, set your personal goal plan, and check in weekly for those 30 points!

Week 32

SPIN THE WHEEL! This is for app users only, but each week in the app, Vitality sets a target activity point level for you (individualized based on your typical activity level). Each standard workout (10,000 steps) counts for 10 points each day. If you hit your weekly target, Vitality will prompt you to spin the wheel in your app. You can earn Vitality points or even gift cards!

Week 33

Even if you have perfect vision, an annual eye exam is important. Many eye diseases have no warning signs and can only be detected during an exam. Earn 200 Vitality Points per program year for completing an annual eye exam.

To receive Vitality Points, you must submit proof of your exam, which can include an explanation of benefits, medical record, or copy of your screening results.

Week 34

While your financial needs, goals and dreams may change, protecting your loved ones will always be important. Take a quick assessment to find out how much life insurance you really need. Complete your assessment with Benefit Scout and earn 100 Vitality Points. 

1. Log in to Benefit Scout
2. Complete the assessment
3. Come back to Vitality and submit a screenshot of the recommendations to this category and earn 100 Vitality Points.