Go for the gold

We are halfway through the year…let’s talk REWARDS! Vitality has continued to add new gift cards to improve your reward experience. Do you reward yourself each time you hit 2500 bucks for a $25 gift card? Or do you save it for Christmas shopping or another special occasion? New this year-there are now gift cards for several airlines! There are also a couple gift cards that require as little as 1000 points-including Spotify. One quick reminder-cashing in gift cards does qualify as a taxable “gift.” Consider whether it’s in your best interest to cash out slowly over time to minimize the impact of taxes withheld on your paycheck. Use Vitality to do what works for YOU and reward yourself as you go for GOLD!

Week 27

Is weight loss or weight management one of your goals? Vitality offers a program called Shapa that awards points for the accountability of daily weigh-ins. Shapa focuses on behavior change to help you achieve long term weight management. It pairs a numberless scale with an app that gives you a personalized program of daily missions based on your habits, personality and environment. This program is not free, but it is less than other weight loss programs you see advertised. You can use your reward bucks already accumulated to purchase the scale and year-long subscription. Earn up to 800 points annually, by doing regular daily check-ins!

Week 28

Consider attending a Health FYI Webcast. Each month Vitality offers a special health-related webcast. You can attend in person, or watch an archived video. Just be sure to pay attention to the whole thing-the video will prompt you to answer one question which verifies you are watching. July’s webcast is Thursday, July 20 at 3:00EST/2:00 CST and focuses on how gradual changes in your activity can make a big difference. Each webcast will net you 50 points, and you may learn some new tips and tricks to a healthier YOU!

Week 29

The month of June is big for retirements within CUWAA, as it’s the end of our fiscal year. Regularly running retirement scenarios can help you know if you are on track to retire or if you need to make adjustments. Earn 50 Vitality Points for running a retirement projection with either Retirement Connection or Vision.

To receive Vitality points, submit proof that you’ve done so: a photo or screen shot of your retirement model graph with Retirement Connection or your “on track” projection with Vision.

Week 30

Have you considered attending a spiritual retreat? Maybe you already do and didn’t know you could receive Vitality points for doing so! Earn 200 Vitality Points for attending a spiritual retreat organized and sponsored by your district, circuit, or congregation. In order to be eligible for points, the retreat should be at least one full day in length and focus on spiritual or emotional well-being.

To receive Vitality Points, you must submit proof of your spiritual retreat, which can include copy of your retreat registration, agenda or curriculum.