Tuesday, December 5
Isaiah 11:1-12:6 and 2 Peter 2:1-22
As a chemistry professor, I labor to ensure all the information I present to my students is scientifically accurate. The concepts discussed are backed by theories and demonstrated with relevant models, and all of the quantitative calculations yield the expected results. In the sciences, both rigor and accuracy are important. It is, therefore, humbling and somewhat embarrassing when I make a mistake when solving a problem in class. Sometimes the students call out the error, and sometimes they do not. In any case, as soon as I realize my mistake, I correct the error in front of the class.
In our reading for today, Simon Peter admonishes false teachers who exploit their followers with false words. These teachers blaspheme and have eyes full of adultery… They never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed—an accursed brood! (2 Peter 2:14) Compared to getting the wrong answer in a chemistry class, this type of false teaching has far more serious consequences. And there is no shortage of false teachers in our world today.
Advent is a good time to reflect on what we are teaching others and by whom we are being taught. As we look forward to the birth of Jesus, our true teacher, we should consider how we are guiding others to His truth. Unlike the false teachers, we need to seek the Spirit of wisdom and understanding. Similarly, we should take inventory of whom we are allowing to guide us. Are we being tempted and led astray by the strong cultural forces that are insatiable for sin? Are we giving in to our prurient impulses of greed and passions of the flesh? Or, are we being led to the way, truth, and life manifest in the Christ?
For me, this answer key from 2 Peter was a timely reminder of the state of our fallen world and our universal need for a Savior. I praise God for the fulfillment of Isaiah’s promise of a Root of Jesse. I praise God for sending us the Christ on the first Christmas. I am also thankful for the pastors, Sunday school teachers, family, friends, and colleagues who were—and are–good teachers to me and lessons of Christ’s love personified.

Arts & Sciences, CUW
About this series
“God With Us: the uncommon advent of our Savior” is a sampling of biblical meditations composed by members of the CUWAA community. It is our prayer that you will take time during the Advent season to read and reflect upon God’s Word and await the coming of Jesus with newfound enthusiasm and anticipation through the Holy Spirit.