Friday, December 15
Isaiah 30:27-31:9 and Revelation 3:1-22
Woe to those…who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the great strength of their horsemen, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel, or seek help from the LORD(Isaiah 31:1).
Looking back, I think I have always been a helper and a problem solver. This might be the result of the example my parents set, or it might simply have been the natural consequence of being the oldest child. Growing up, it seemed like there was always someone around who needed something. My job was to jump in and make it happen. As time went on, I grew quite confident in these abilities, to the point where I settled quite nicely into a helping vocation. And though my days providing direct speech language pathology services to children are less frequent, I now use my gifts to teach and support our students and faculty as they move from CUW into the world to do similar good work. I see this same helping spirit in our faculty and students.
Similarly, the Advent season leading to Christmas brings many needs and opportunities to help within our communities. Purchasing gifts from donation trees, sponsoring families, sharing food and essentials, and extending kindness to others in need all allow us to move beyond ourselves and provide assistance to others. My husband and I have been blessed with resources that we can share with others. We work to model caring as we raise our daughters to do the same. It seems like the right thing to do, and, let’s face it, there is some part of helping others that makes us feel good about ourselves.
Yet as I read today’s passage from Isaiah, I take pause as I consider whether I have taken the time to realize that our ability to help is not ours alone, but from the Lord. As we continue through this Advent season of helping and care, I challenge us to consider not relying on our own strength, but remembering that our help comes from the Lord and that we are wise to seek it. As we share our gifts this holiday season, may we continue to find comfort in this help as we extend it to others.

Health Professions, CUW
About this series
“God With Us: the uncommon advent of our Savior” is a sampling of biblical meditations composed by members of the CUWAA community. It is our prayer that you will take time during the Advent season to read and reflect upon God’s Word and await the coming of Jesus with newfound enthusiasm and anticipation through the Holy Spirit.