Saturday, December 23
Isaiah 43:25-44:20 and Revelation 11:1-19
It’s certainly a busy time of the year as we prepare for Christmas. On Christmas Eve I will have my mother’s side of the family at my house for a party, and you can imagine how long the “to-do” list may get with hosting 40+ people. Few things are more precious than time with family, and I treasure these moments—especially with my three daughters, ages 10, 13 and 16. Yet during this season of Advent, as we prepare for Christ, we need to keep our focus and eyes on Him rather than the parties or the related preparations. Too easily and too often, the “celebration” of Christmas can cause us to lose sight of the Christ. We can become distraught by the fast pace and high expectations and distracted from the Reason for the season. In our quest to find the perfect presents for everyone on our list, we fail simply to be in His presence and to share that gift with everyone on our list by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Hear these words of Holy Scripture. For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants (Isaiah 44:3). In Isaiah 44, the prophet emphasizes the foolishness of worshipping idols instead of the one true God. Idols have no true power or value; but in Isaiah’s time and still today, we too easily get caught up in their foolish focus
and pursuit. If you begin to feel distracted or stressed during these next few days, remember that God will provide refreshment to His people who are in need. He will pour out His Spirit and blessings. Christ’s presence—God with us—is the best present we could ever imagine. His presence brings me refreshment and peace. Stop and be present, be still and treasure these moments as we await and prepare for Jesus.
May the Lord bless you and keep you this Christmas! We give thanks to you, Lord God
Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and
have begun to reign (Revelation 11:16).

Business, CUAA
About this series
“God With Us: the uncommon advent of our Savior” is a sampling of biblical meditations composed by members of the CUWAA community. It is our prayer that you will take time during the Advent season to read and reflect upon God’s Word and await the coming of Jesus with newfound enthusiasm and anticipation through the Holy Spirit.