
This is the third article in the series, “Tea with Mielke,” written by CUW student Hannah Mielke. The series chronicles Mielke’s study abroad adventures in England.

Westfield House Library

The most common question I get asked by friends and family back home is, “Do you even go to any classes? It looks like all you do is travel!” I mostly fill people in on all of the places I’m traveling to and the new things I’m experiencing but classes are a huge part of my life during the week! Westfield House is part of the Cambridge Theological Federation which means it is a Lutheran institution. This is an added bonus to my studies because it allows me to take classes that are geared towards my faith, and coincidentally, towards my major! Most of the classes I take while I am here are held at Westfield House which is only about a 30 second walk from where I live. There is a small number of faculty, but it allows them to get to know you really well and vice versa.

RELATED: Tea with Mielke: A weekend in the City of Love

Westfield House is not the only place where you can take classes while you are here, however. There is the option to take classes at Cambridge University which is called the Cambridge Experience. You sit in on the lectures and then meet with a tutor outside of classes to go through material and supervisions of the papers you are writing for the class. This allows students the opportunity to get to meet other students who are attending Cambridge University and it allows for a new learning experience.

The other method of taking classes is by attending lectures at the Cambridge Theological Federation, which I have the opportunity of doing! I got to lectures during the week and then I meet with one of the faculty at Westfield House and he gives us assignments and we talk through the material gone over in class. It’s incredibly interesting to be exposed to another countries views on Christianity.

All of these methods of learning are geared towards preparing for your final paper at the end of the term. There are little assignments throughout the semester but the major of your final grade comes from the term paper. This is a different form of education than what we are used to in the States but it allows you to learn a lot about new study habits and new ways to consume information.

Overall, classes are a great way to fill up time during the week and the faculty are very understanding and want to see us succeed in every way possible!

It’s safe to say that traveling is a huge part of my life here, but it’s not the ONLY thing that I do! 

Cambridge Library

Where to?

CUW students, you have dozens of study abroad opportunities at your fingertips. Where will you go?

—This article is written by Hannah Mielke who is in her senior year as a Director of Church Ministries major at Concordia University Wisconsin. She’s currently on a 16-week study abroad experience to England. “Tea with Mielke” chronicles her adventure and shares some of the life lessons she’s learning along the way.